4 days ago
Aircraft Mechanic – Experimental Flight Line / Letalski mehanik – eksperimentalni leti \:\:\:\: Savogna d'Isonzo

Company: Pipistrel Italia s.r.l. con socio unico, Savogna d'Isonzo

Aircraft Mechanic – Experimental Flight Line

Pipistrel is looking for an experienced Aircraft Mechanic to join the Flight Test department in the role of Crew Chief reporting to the Department Lead of Flight Test. In your role, you will be responsible for all activities necessary to maintain the experimental fleet flightworthy during flight test campaigns.

What will your main scope be?

• Your goal is to keep experimental aircraft maintained and flightworthy and to minimize AOG time.
• Act as focal point for all matters related to aircraft prototype scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, modifications, repairs, on airframe, engine, systems as well as test instrumentation and equipment integration, interfacing with the Fleet Manager and Flight Test Engineers.
• Troubleshoot malfunctions in cooperation with engineering subject matter experts.
• Participate in pre-flight briefings and post-flight debriefings.
• Support flight test campaigns also out of the company main bases and organize the necessary logistics and personnel to maintain prototypes flightworthy.
• Work in compliance with internal processes for aircraft maintenance and record keeping.
• Support the airworthiness process during authority inspections.

What do we expect from the candidate?

• An EASA Part-66 B.3 aircraft mechanic license is desirable or possessing the qualifications and experience to obtain it.
• Previous relevant experience (at least 5 years) as aircraft maintenance staff. Experience with experimental aircraft is a bonus.
• Proactive and creative problem solver and enjoy working in a dynamic environment.
• Able to organize your work thoroughly and efficiently under schedules.
• Expected to work in a safe manner in accordance with established operating procedures and practices.
• Ability to travel out of company base location when required.
• Very good knowledge of the English language.


Company: Pipistrel Italia s.r.l. con socio unico, Savogna d'Isonzo

Aircraft Mechanic – Experimental Flight Line

Pipistrel is looking for an experienced Aircraft Mechanic to join the Flight Test department in the role of Crew Chief reporting to the Department Lead of Flight Test. In your role, you will be responsible for all activities necessary to maintain the experimental fleet flightworthy during flight test campaigns.

What will your main scope be?

• Your goal is to keep experimental aircraft maintained and flightworthy and to minimize AOG time.
• Act as focal point for all matters related to aircraft prototype scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, modifications, repairs, on airframe, engine, systems as well as test instrumentation and equipment integration, interfacing with the Fleet Manager and Flight Test Engineers.
• Troubleshoot malfunctions in cooperation with engineering subject matter experts.
• Participate in pre-flight briefings and post-flight debriefings.
• Support flight test campaigns also out of the company main bases and organize the necessary logistics and personnel to maintain prototypes flightworthy.
• Work in compliance with internal processes for aircraft maintenance and record keeping.
• Support the airworthiness process during authority inspections.

What do we expect from the candidate?

• An EASA Part-66 B.3 aircraft mechanic license is desirable or possessing the qualifications and experience to obtain it.
• Previous relevant experience (at least 5 years) as aircraft maintenance staff. Experience with experimental aircraft is a bonus.
• Proactive and creative problem solver and enjoy working in a dynamic environment.
• Able to organize your work thoroughly and efficiently under schedules.
• Expected to work in a safe manner in accordance with established operating procedures and practices.
• Ability to travel out of company base location when required.
• Very good knowledge of the English language.


Podjetje: Pipistrel Italia s.r.l. con socio unico, Savogna d'Isonzo

Letalski mehanik – eksperimentalni leti (m/ž)

Pipistrel išče izkušenega letalskega mehanika, da bi se pridružil oddelku za testiranje letenja v vlogi vodje posadke, ki poroča vodji preizkušanja letov. V vaši vlogi boste odgovorni za vse dejavnosti, potrebne za vzdrževanje eksperimentalne flote v letalskem stanju med preizkusnimi kampanjami.

Kaj bo vaše glavno področje delovanja?

• Vaš cilj je vzdrževati eksperimentalna letala in jih ohranjati v letalskem stanju ter zmanjšati čas AOG.
• Delovati kot osrednja točka za vsa vprašanja, povezana z načrtovanim in nenačrtovanim vzdrževanjem, spremembami, popravili na letalu, motorju, sistemih ter integracijo testne opreme in instrumentov, v sodelovanju z upraviteljem flote in inženirji za preizkušanje letov.
• Odpravljanje napak v sodelovanju s strokovnjaki za inženiring.
• Sodelovanje pri sestankih pred in po letu.
• Podpora preizkusnim kampanjam tudi izven glavnih baz podjetja in organizacija potrebne logistike ter osebja za vzdrževanje prototipov v letalskem stanju.
• Delo v skladu z notranjimi procesi za vzdrževanje letal in vodenje evidenc.
• Podpora procesu plovnosti med inšpekcijami pregledi.

Kaj pričakujemo od kandidata/kandidatke?

• Zaželena je licenca letalskega mehanika EASA Part-66 B.3 ali ustrezne kvalifikacije in izkušnje za njeno pridobitev.
• Prejšnje ustrezne izkušnje (vsaj 5 let) kot osebje za vzdrževanje letal. Izkušnje z eksperimentalnimi letali so prednost.
• Proaktiven in ustvarjalen reševalec problemov, ki uživa v delu v dinamičnem okolju.
• Sposobnost temeljitega in učinkovitega organiziranja dela po urniku.
• Pričakuje se delo na varen način v skladu z uveljavljenimi operativnimi postopki in praksami.
• Sposobnost potovanja izven lokacije podjetja, ko je to potrebno.
• Zelo dobro znanje angleškega jezika.

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