Wichita, Kansas, USA
7 days ago
Aircraft Painter
Responsibilities General StatementResponsible for the spray application of multiple aerospace paints on avariety of substrates and on simple to complex product configurations,including the set up and application of primers and finish coat.Supporting responsibilities include masking, racking, turning, andsanding operations as well as equipment maintenance and paint mixingoperations. Qualifications include being able to read engineeringblueprints, schematics and drawings. Can match or detect differencesamong colors, including shades of color and brightness. Able to remainsteady while moving an arm or while holding arm and hand in position.See details at close range. Make precise movements of the fingers tograsp, manipulate or assemble small objects. Able to quickly move hand,hand with arm or two hands to grasp, manipulate or assemble objects.Tasks include mix paints to match color specifications or originalcolors, using spatulas or power mixing equipment to stir or thin paints.Select and apply paint according to engineering planning documents.Dispose of trash, scrap and hazardous waste in an appropriatemanner. Remove grease, dirt, paint, or rust from surfaces usingabrasives, solvents, and brushes or washing tanks to prepare to applypaint. Spray or brush prepared surfaces with specified amounts ofalodine, primers or finish coatings per engineering planning. Mixingredients to create specific finishes. Trim excess material. Use anyequipment (e.g., computers or hand, power and air tools)needed to complete paint assignments. Perform any pickup, rework andincorporation of changes to the product as required. Work from prints,sketches, specifications and written/verbal instruction. Maintainrequired certifications, qualifications, licenses or permits. Utilizeprecision measuring equipment (e.g. isoscopes and scales) to performself-inspection of in-process and finished work. Perform routine minormaintenance on sprayers, paint guns, etc. as part of the daily workduties. Move product within the manufacturing work area of the shop,including across aisles, using assigned equipment and completetransactions necessary to move product to the next operation. Supportthe continuous flow of product within the manufacturing process bytraining and assisting employees of the same or lower classificationlevel. Inspect equipment, structures, or materials to identify the causeof errors or other problems or defects. Analyze information and evaluateresults to choose the best solution and solve problems as pertains tothe paint process. Ensure daily logs are completed for air quality priorto paint operations. Utilize required safety equipment and proceduressuch as respirators, air hoods/masks, Tyvek suits, gloves, donning/doffing, foot wear and safety eyewear. Compliance with governingregulations including but not limited to BAC, OSHA and customerspecifications.Level AI4Employee is able to perform the critical functions of the painttechnician such as locate application areas per the engineering planningdocuments to apply the final application of paints to the completedassembly or section per the work instructions and planning. Completeinspection to ensure parts meet engineering standards. Apply topcoat/final application per the engineering planning requirements. ApplyDYNOL and MA25 per engineering planning requirements.
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