88 days ago
Analytics Engineer
Technologies of the future—Artificial Intelligence, Edge computing, 5G, Electric Vehicles, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality—all require greater battery energy density. Building and scaling a battery containing a 100% active silicon anode has long been a goal of the battery industry because it dramatically increases energy density and performance. Enovix is the leader in advanced silicon-anode lithium-ion battery development and production. The company's proprietary 3D cell architecture increases energy density and maintains high cycle life. Enovix is building an advanced silicon-anode lithium-ion battery production facility in the U.S. for volume production. The company's initial goal is to provide designers of category-leading mobile devices with a high-energy battery so they can create more innovative and effective portable products. Enovix is also developing its 3D cell technology and production process for the electric vehicle and energy storage markets to help enable widespread utilization of renewable energy.   This is a very exciting time at Enovix! We are looking for a Analytical Engineer for the Advanced Materials groupto join our awesome and growing team of innovators for commercialization of our 3D Silicon™ Lithium-ion Rechargeable Battery. Learn more at .  Job Summary:ENOVIX is looking for an analytical electrochemist who has hand-on experience with analytical equipment for the characterization of electrolyte, anode, cathode and separator. Understanding the fundamentals of electrochemistry of Li-ion battery is a prerequisite.  Responsibilities:·     Evaluate advanced materials (anode, cathodes, electrolytes, separators, other functional materials) using analytical characterization techniques like GC-MS, DSC, FTIR, XRD, microscopy (electron and optical), Rheometer, TGA, UTM, XPS and other advanced techniques at various stages of experiments. ·     Be able to operate all the above equipment, process data and correlate the data with electrochemistry of Li-ion batteries.·     Design and optimize methodologies for performing failure analysis on anode, cathode, separator and electrolyte of Li-ion batteries. ·     Understand and evaluate cells with EIS based electrochemical techniques. ·     Evaluate new incoming materials quality. ·     Analyze in-line process data, metrology data, and electrical test data for rapid feedback to inform the next round of development.·     Summarize results in a clear and concise manner and present results and findings to internal and external customers in meetings and conferences.Qualifications:·     PhD in Materials Science, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or a related field.·     5+ years of industry experience working on Li-ion batteries or related technology specifically with analytical techniques.·     Demonstrated experience in battery materials structural and functional characterization and perform failure analysis of Li-ion battery.·     Experimental design and data analysis experience with tools like JMP is preferred.·     Demonstrated tolerance of ambiguity; flexibility to adapt to new situations.·     The ability to work in a fast-paced environment is required.·     Strong oral and written communication skills.·     The ability to work well with other team members and work independently. Enovix is an equal opportunity employer 
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