Los Angeles, CA, USA
6 days ago
Assistant Project Scientist

Assistant Project Scientist II (JPF09752) | 11/15/2024

Job Description

The UCLA Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering (JIFRESSE) invites applications for a position of Ass Project Sci II whose research will focus on South American-Atlantic-African weather and climate systems. The research includes the following activities:
• Understanding mesoscale convective processes over the Congo Basin via process-level analyses using the MPAS Model
• Understanding the role of South American precipitation in connecting the Pacific and Atlantic weather disturbances and facilitating cross-equatorial propagation of Rossby waves
• Understanding how Amazonia rainfall variability influences Atlantic Niño
• Understanding how seasonal cycle of the eastern Atlantic SST is modulated by land surface condition over Amazonia and downstream convective activities


Basic qualifications (required at time of application):
• Appointee must possess a doctorate degree, in the field of Atmospheric Sciences. The appointee must have a minimum of four years of professional experience after gaining the doctorate degree.
• Previous training and experience in atmospheric dynamics, ocean dynamics, climate dynamics, atmosphere-land-ocean coupling, mesoscale meteorology, and hydrological extremes.
• Extensive knowledge and expertise in South American and African weather and climate systems with a focus on hydrological extremes; the response of ocean variability to atmospheric and remote land surface forcings; atmospheric wave dynamics; running simplified dynamic models and the newest Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) model; using statistical and machine learning tools, with a focus a causality detections. Appointee must have at least two-year experience in MPAS model and machine learning tools.
• In order to complete two NSF projects, appointee must have a clear understanding of South America’s role, as a land bridge, in influencing surrounding oceans and continents; must be very familiar with the physical and dynamical mechanisms in regulating Congo Basin mesoscale convective processes and clearly know how to design MPAS experiments to complete the research goal.
• Excellent communication skills in working with group members and collaborating with scientists in other universities and national institutes
• Ability to manage at least two NSF projects associated with this position; regularly report updates to NSF manages and NCAR collaborators; help with other projects associated with atmospheric/climate dynamics.

• Appointee must have experience in leading and writing federal and/or state grant proposals. Previous experience with successful grants award is preferred.

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