Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
1 day ago
Chief of Staff(Enabling Team補佐)

Roche fosters diversity, equity and inclusion, representing the communities we serve. When dealing with healthcare on a global scale, diversity is an essential ingredient to success. We believe that inclusion is key to understanding people’s varied healthcare needs. Together, we embrace individuality and share a passion for exceptional care. Join Roche, where every voice matters.

The Position職務概要当社の経営(Enabling Team:ET)メンバーの補佐役として、経営に関する多岐にわたる議論のファシリテーションや、組織全体の効率的な運営をサポートします。社長直下のポジションで、ETが戦略的で複雑なビジネス・ディスカッションに集中し、その目的を達成できるようサポートします。ETメンバー、ビジネスリーダー、サポートファンクションリーダーなどの主要なステークホルダーと連携し、組織全体の戦略立案プロセスをサポートします。ETが定めた戦略やビジネスゴールを、実行可能な成果物に変換し、効果的な意思決定のサポート、アジェンダの優先順位付け、進捗のトラッキング、バックログの管理にオーナーシップを持ちます。主な職務(これに伴う付帯業務や優先順位の変更によりその他の業務も含みます):グローバル、リージョンの戦略に沿った中長期の戦略とその優先順位を、ETが議論・策定するための環境やプロセスの設定を行うET会議の招集、進行、アジェンダの優先順位決めを行い、意思決定をサポートするネイティブレベルの英語・日本語によって、ET間の言葉の壁を取り除き、翻訳者としてだけでなく、議論の熱量を伴ってアドボケーターとしての役割を担う議論すべき事項の緊急性や重要性を理解し、効果的な会議を設計・進行するP&C BPと協力し、ETメンバー全体が、より効果的に協働するためのリーダーシップ及びテクニカルスキルの向上に向けたプランを企画・立案する社長や経営陣のメッセージを言語化し、またコミュニケーションやプレゼンテーションの資料作成を担う

求める人材像Must専門性・経験- ライフサイエンス分野の学位を有する- プロジェクトを中心とした、リーダーシップ経験- ヘルスケア業界を理解し、規制された環境での業務経験を有する

スキル、知識- ネイティブレベルの英語・日本語能力(ビジネスに限らずあらゆる議論・会話ができるコミュニケーションレベル、正式なビジネス文章作成力、読解力)- 物事の背景やプロセスのつながりを含む全体像を把握し、より広範なビジネスへの影響を捉えるシステム思考がある- 優れたコミュニケーション能力、ファシリテーション能力、そしてプレゼンテーション作成スキルを持つ- どんな困難な状況においても、自ら成長しようとするマインドセットを有する- この職務で管理する情報の機密性とコンプライアンスに熟達している


- ヘルスケア業界(診断薬・医薬品)で3~5年以上の就業経験があれば尚可- 戦略コンサルティングのバックグラウンドや類似のスキルを有する- 多文化・多国籍の環境での経験が豊富- 戦略的思考に優れ、スピード感のある環境でも柔軟に対応し、オペレーションを支援しながら確実な成果を出す- シニアリーダーとの協働に長け、組織全体に広がるネットワークを活かして、様々なレベルや視点から組織の声を代弁できる

The Position Summary

As the Chief of Staff for the Japan Enabling Team, you will play a key role in the effective functioning and strategic success of the organization. Reporting to the General Manager, you will work side by side with the GM as the “Chief of Staff”as well as facilitating meetings, supporting ET to focus on strategic and complex business discussions.In this role, you will be involved in the strategic planning processes across the organization through strong collaboration with key stakeholders and network teams. In addition, you will work with the ET to translate vision/ strategy to actionable deliverables and assist them in facilitating effective decision-making. You will follow through and update the ET on progress of these deliverables as well as communication to employees through dashboard or other avenues. You will work with ET to prioritize on agenda and work through the backlog. And you will plan, convene and facilitate ET meetings to ensure objectives are achieved.
You will be responsible to:Support GM to develop short- and long-term priorities (business, financial and people) aligned to Region/Global business objectives, to translate vision/strategy to actionable deliverables at all levels in the organization.Convene and facilitate the Enabling Team meetings, plan the agenda and support the team in timely, well-informed decision making.The CoS will facilitate the discussions between English only speaking members and Japanese only speaking members, not only as a translator but as an advocator helping both as if there are no language barrier.Design and facilitate effective meetings by prioritizing key objectives, balancing content review with discussion, and moderating dialogue.Strengthen Japan ET cohesiveness by working with the P&C BP and regular exchanges with individual ET members.Increase Japan ET effectiveness; Facilitate the formation of ET squads, make accountability clear, track and monitor Japan ET decisions and backlog; hold Japan ET members accountable to decisions and backlog.Lead, supported by administrative staff, on all aspects of logistics and planning of Japan ET meetings.Collaborate with the GM and subject matter experts to develop communications and presentation materials for various speaking engagements.
Who you are
Professional and Technical Requirements:Degree / Masters in life sciences typically with 5-8 + years of relevant experience in the life science sector in a similar capacity that may be directly comparable to Diagnostics and/or Pharmaceuticals is an advantage.Strategy consulting background and skill set would be desirable.Strong leadership experience, preferably with experience leading diverse teams and/or highly complex matrix leadership of enterprise-level projects.Strong business sense with a solid understanding of the healthcare industry and experience operating in a regulated environment.

Experience, Skills, Knowledge:Fully bilingual in Japanese and English in verbal, writing, and readingA systems thinker who can connect the dots between functions and processes in terms of broader business implications, including tactical, strategic, and enterprise dependencies.A strong collaborator, able to cultivate a strong and trusting relationship with executive leaders, proven experience in stakeholder management.Ability to work effectively in ambiguity and manage through change, able to work effectively across cultures and highly matrix organizationBe detail-oriented with excellent project management skills, with an ability to consistently execute multiple, and sometimes competing activities to a high quality and timely conclusion.Strong communication, presentation and interpersonal skills and ability to distill and convey information in a compelling manner.Self-owned growth mindset in any challenging situationsMatured in confidentiality and compliance with the information you manage in this role.

Who we are

At Roche, more than 100,000 people across 100 countries are pushing back the frontiers of healthcare. Working together, we’ve become one of the world’s leading research-focused healthcare groups. Our success is built on innovation, curiosity and diversity.

Roche Diagnostics K.K. is a member of Roche group, one of the world's leading healthcare groups in the fields of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics, in charge of in-vitro diagnostic and equipment business in Japan. Roche Diagnostics K.K is also the leading company in our business field in Japan, providing high quality products and latest information as one of the most important sites in Diagnostic division of Roche group.

Roche is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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