The Clinical Director (CD) will set the vision and direction for the clinical services recognising the impact and influence on the strategic direction of other services. The CD role and reporting structure aims to effectively support the establishment and sustainability of services and to ensure clinicians take a leading role in continuous and innovative development and successful service delivery. The principal focus is to directly support the integrated clinical, operational, governance and financial performance of the services.
The CD is responsible for the visible leadership of all employees within the service and the line management of:
Operations Director for Service, Clinical Leads and professional leads where appropriate, Non-medical Clinical Lead/Governance lead – dependent on agreed structureThe Clinical Director will support and translate the vision of integrated management as well as ensure safe, effective and efficient service delivery. Using their leadership skills they will be a visible, accessible and professionally authoritative presence, providing leadership and supervision to the integrated clinical teams. The Clinical Director will participate fully in the development and implementation of care group management. The Clinical Director will attend and participate fully as a member of the Assurance Committee and the Clinical Director Forum. The CD will also be a member of the Trust Management Team.
The Clinical Director will determine their clinical support team, within their budget capacity.
The post holder will be a substantive consultant, GP, nurse consultant, consultant AHP or senior manager with registration within the service and working to a separate job description for their clinical role.
A minimum of 2 clinical sessions to be worked, in order to remain clinically credible and meet revalidation or other professional obligations subject to Chief Nurse/Chief Medical Officer approval to meet Trust requirements.
Where appropriate, some of the following responsibilities may be delegated to a suitable colleague but overall accountability will remain with the CD;
To be the accountable person in the service for all quality issues. To ensure the effective and safe delivery of patient services to the highest quality, experience and clinical outcomes.
To set the strategic direction and vision for the service and lead a strong and dynamic team ensuring that organisational strategic objectives are achieved. Develop and deliver the strategic and operational plans to ensure the trusts objectives are met.
Encourage staff to live by the values of the organisation
Work in collaboration with external services to recognise the impact of the service on other organisations and develop and deliver strategic plans which cross organisational boundaries.
To ensure robust, effective and compliant governance processes and systems are in place within the service line and across organisational boundaries. To chair the service clinical governance committee.
To be a member of the Assurance Committee and provide the necessary assurances on all quality issues within the service as the accountable person.
To be a member of the Trust Management Team Meeting, supporting the Trust in all its strategic objectives.
To work with the Operations Director to ensure that the service meets all its performance, quality, governance and financial targets. Ensure contractual compliance within budget, including KPI attainment. Agreed financial performance objectives are met and compliance maintained with standing financial instructions.
To account for performance with the Operations Director to the COO at a monthly performance meeting.
To provide Clinical Leadership within the service management team, contributing to the service’s strategies, plans, policies and programmes, at all times quality assuring the service.