CT Collaboration Manager
レポートライン:ダイアグノスティックイメージング事業本部 CTリサーチ & コラボレーション部長
Purpose:Enhance the clinical values of our DI products and support the development of future systems by conducting scientific collaboration research and paper publication with KOLs in Japan.
Role Description:
* Closely interacts with R&D,PLM and/or Clinical Affairs (e.g. to foster joint development and realize the evaluations of new technologies) and/or Marketing (e.g. to transfer results from scientific research into the marketing strategy) * Manages the assigned scientific and clinical collaboration projects holistically (contract negotiation to project wrap-up).* May establish close relationships to the assigned collaboration partners and identifies new suitable partners.* Closely interacts with collaboration counterpartners in org unit overarching and/or cross-border collaborations.* Forwards important partner feedback to R&D/Clinical Affairs/PLM/Marketing.* Develops the new partnerships and expands the posibility of the research collaborations within the responsible clinical field.* Manages the challenging and/or prioritized (strategic) projects.* Planning academic branding strategy using collaboration research results and execute.
Required experience/ skill/ Knowledge: * Knowledge of Advanced diagnostics imaging technologies to support collaboration projects effectively, especially for the responsible imaging modality.* Knowledge and understanding of the processes of scientific collaboration implementation and project management.* Knowledge of the research related regulations and compliances (i.g. Ethical Guidelines).* Healthcare market knowledge.* IP (patents) handling* Relationships among major KOLs in the responsible scientific field.* Advanced skills of the responsible imaging modality data handling, Hardware, and Software (i.g. Matlab, C++, Python programming).* Statistical data analysis skill.* Middle-level IT skills.* Project management skill.* Negotiation skill under difficult situations.* Presentation skill both in English and Japanese.* Documentation and document management skill in English.* Relationship management.* Networking skill with non-Japanese speakers.
【雇用形態】正社員【勤務区分】外勤【契約期間】期間の定めなし【試用期間】6か月(条件変更無)【就業場所】本社【就業場所の変更の範囲】会社の定める場所および部署【就業時間】管理監督職(標準勤務時間9:00~18:00、コアタイムなし)【休憩時間】基本休憩時間12:00~13:00【時間外労働】あり 【賃金】想定年収800~1200万(経験・スキルに基づき決定)【昇給】年1回(10月)【賞与】年1回(12月)【加入保険】雇用保険、労災保険、厚生年金、健康保険【休日・休暇】完全週休2日制(土・日)、祝日、メーデー(5/1)、年末年始 (12/29-1/4)、年次有給休暇、夏季休暇(6日)、子の看護休暇、介護休暇、保存休暇、ボランティア休暇(5日)、リフレッシュ特別休暇など【福利厚生】ベネフィット・ワン、慶弔見舞金、前払い退職金/確定拠出年金制度、総合福祉団体定期保険、財形貯蓄制度、福利厚生補助、乳がん検査補助、社内クラブ活動、提携保育園(本社ビル内)【人事制度】フレックスタイム制、社内公募制度、在宅勤務制度、育児短時間勤務制度、育児休業制度、介護休業制度【従事すべき業務の変更の範囲】会社の定める業務【受動喫煙防止措置】屋内禁煙【募集者の氏名】シーメンスヘルスケア株式会社
Req: 25H005
Purpose:Enhance the clinical values of our DI products and support the development of future systems by conducting scientific collaboration research and paper publication with KOLs in Japan.
Role Description:
* Closely interacts with R&D,PLM and/or Clinical Affairs (e.g. to foster joint development and realize the evaluations of new technologies) and/or Marketing (e.g. to transfer results from scientific research into the marketing strategy) * Manages the assigned scientific and clinical collaboration projects holistically (contract negotiation to project wrap-up).* May establish close relationships to the assigned collaboration partners and identifies new suitable partners.* Closely interacts with collaboration counterpartners in org unit overarching and/or cross-border collaborations.* Forwards important partner feedback to R&D/Clinical Affairs/PLM/Marketing.* Develops the new partnerships and expands the posibility of the research collaborations within the responsible clinical field.* Manages the challenging and/or prioritized (strategic) projects.* Planning academic branding strategy using collaboration research results and execute.
Required experience/ skill/ Knowledge: * Knowledge of Advanced diagnostics imaging technologies to support collaboration projects effectively, especially for the responsible imaging modality.* Knowledge and understanding of the processes of scientific collaboration implementation and project management.* Knowledge of the research related regulations and compliances (i.g. Ethical Guidelines).* Healthcare market knowledge.* IP (patents) handling* Relationships among major KOLs in the responsible scientific field.* Advanced skills of the responsible imaging modality data handling, Hardware, and Software (i.g. Matlab, C++, Python programming).* Statistical data analysis skill.* Middle-level IT skills.* Project management skill.* Negotiation skill under difficult situations.* Presentation skill both in English and Japanese.* Documentation and document management skill in English.* Relationship management.* Networking skill with non-Japanese speakers.
【雇用形態】正社員【勤務区分】外勤【契約期間】期間の定めなし【試用期間】6か月(条件変更無)【就業場所】本社【就業場所の変更の範囲】会社の定める場所および部署【就業時間】管理監督職(標準勤務時間9:00~18:00、コアタイムなし)【休憩時間】基本休憩時間12:00~13:00【時間外労働】あり 【賃金】想定年収800~1200万(経験・スキルに基づき決定)【昇給】年1回(10月)【賞与】年1回(12月)【加入保険】雇用保険、労災保険、厚生年金、健康保険【休日・休暇】完全週休2日制(土・日)、祝日、メーデー(5/1)、年末年始 (12/29-1/4)、年次有給休暇、夏季休暇(6日)、子の看護休暇、介護休暇、保存休暇、ボランティア休暇(5日)、リフレッシュ特別休暇など【福利厚生】ベネフィット・ワン、慶弔見舞金、前払い退職金/確定拠出年金制度、総合福祉団体定期保険、財形貯蓄制度、福利厚生補助、乳がん検査補助、社内クラブ活動、提携保育園(本社ビル内)【人事制度】フレックスタイム制、社内公募制度、在宅勤務制度、育児短時間勤務制度、育児休業制度、介護休業制度【従事すべき業務の変更の範囲】会社の定める業務【受動喫煙防止措置】屋内禁煙【募集者の氏名】シーメンスヘルスケア株式会社
Req: 25H005
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