The Director, Patient Care Services – Women & Children’s Services is responsible for the direction, leadership, and support of operational, financial, programmatic, continuous improvement and personnel activities for inpatient care provided at Henry Ford Health; responsible for directing patient flow and care coordination through optimizing day-to-day operations, budgeting, financial management, and human resource management. Areas of direct oversight and responsibility include: inpatient nursing, nursing assistants, unit secretaries, staffing coordinators, float pool, and includes establishing, meeting and continuously monitoring goals and objectives for areas of responsibility while maintaining alignment with system strategic goals and objectives. Works closely with a variety of stakeholders, coordinating the activities of patient flow throughout a patient’s stay and discharge to home or other outside facility. Provides coaching (e.g., teaching, leading and mentoring team members in continuous process improvement) and interacting with physicians, mid-level providers, team members, patients and family members, and other leaders at Henry Ford Health to identify and support improvement efforts toward performance excellence. Serves as the programmatic and operational leader for inpatient care and works closely with other leaders.
Women and Children’s Services provide safe, quality nursing care on an outpatient and inpatient basis to women and children.
The OB Emergency Department (OBED) provides four (4) rooms for emergent obstetrical patients. The Labor and Delivery Unit provides intrapartum, delivery, and postpartum recovery care for obstetrical patients in seven (7) LDR (labor, delivery, and recovery) rooms, one (1) surgical suite and one (1) surgical recovery room. The Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic operates three (3) days per week accommodating our high-risk obstetrical patients. The nine (9) bed Special Care Nursery provides transitional care for all newborns along with stabilization and maintenance care for newborn infants with special needs. The Women and Newborn units have 19-private rooms for antepartum, mother/baby couplets and gynecological/surgical patients. The six (6) bed Pediatric unit functions to provide quality nursing care on an inpatient and outpatient basis to the pediatric population and a select adult population. The focus of the nursing care within our department is on promoting and supporting family centered care.