5 days ago
Electrical systems and wiring Engineer / Inženir/inženirka električnih sistemov in ožičenja

Location: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.

For the company Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o. we are looking for Electrical systems and wiring Engineer to become part of the Pipistrel team. The RD Electrical Department plays a key role in the realisation of electric air mobility projects. As an engineer, you will be involved in design and assembly of electrical systems for aircraft, creating and maintaining 2D and 3D documentation, and providing engineering support. Daily tasks will include:

• design and assembly of the electrical systems for aircraft (Wire harness, electrical components, avionics) according to requirements
• creating and maintaining 2D and 3D CAD documentation
• providing engineering support to the manufacturing and prototyping department during the manufacturing and installation phase

What do we expect from the candidate?

• degree in Mechatronics or Electrical engineering
• excellent problem solving and communication skills
• hands-on attitude
• familiarity with aerospace electrical system
• experience with CAD - Solidworks 2D and 3D
• proficient in Microsoft Office products
• fluent in English

What do we offer?

• permanent and full-time employment, with an evaluation period
• flexible working hours
• dynamic and interesting teamwork in a young team
• working for a creative and ambitious international company
• access to unique knowledge, aviation information and professional training resources
• opportunities for personal and professional growth

Location: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.

For the company Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o. we are looking for Electrical systems and wiring Engineer to become part of the Pipistrel team. The RD Electrical Department plays a key role in the realisation of electric air mobility projects. As an engineer, you will be involved in design and assembly of electrical systems for aircraft, creating and maintaining 2D and 3D documentation, and providing engineering support. Daily tasks will include:

• design and assembly of the electrical systems for aircraft (Wire harness, electrical components, avionics) according to requirements
• creating and maintaining 2D and 3D CAD documentation
• providing engineering support to the manufacturing and prototyping department during the manufacturing and installation phase

What do we expect from the candidate?

• degree in Mechatronics or Electrical engineering
• excellent problem solving and communication skills
• hands-on attitude
• familiarity with aerospace electrical system
• experience with CAD - Solidworks 2D and 3D
• proficient in Microsoft Office products
• fluent in English

What do we offer?

• permanent and full-time employment, with an evaluation period
• flexible working hours
• dynamic and interesting teamwork in a young team
• working for a creative and ambitious international company
• access to unique knowledge, aviation information and professional training resources
• opportunities for personal and professional growth

Lokacija: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.

Za podjetje Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o. iščemo inženirja/inženirko električnih sistemov in ožičenja, ki bo postal/postala del ekipe Pipistrel. RR elektro oddelek igra ključno vlogo pri uresničevanju projektov električne zračne mobilnosti. Kot inženir/inženirka boste sodelovali pri načrtovanju in sestavljanju električnih sistemov za letala, oblikovanju in vzdrževanju 2D in 3D dokumentacije ter zagotavljanju inženirske podpore. Dnevne naloge bodo vključevale:

• načrtovanje in sestavljanje električnih sistemov za zrakoplove (žičniški snopi, električne komponente, avionika) v skladu z zahtevami
• izdelavo in vzdrževanje 2D in 3D dokumentacije CAD
• zagotavljanje inženirske podpore oddelku za proizvodnjo in prototipnem oddelku v fazi proizvodnje in implementacije

Kaj pričakujemo od kandidata/kandidatke?

• diplomo iz mehatronike ali elektrotehnike
• odlične sposobnosti reševanja težav in komunikacije
• praktičen odnos do dela
• poznavanje letalskega električnega sistema
• izkušnje s CAD - Solidworks 2D in 3D
• dobro poznavanje izdelkov Microsoft Office
• obvladovanje angleškega jezika (tekoče)

Kaj ponujamo?

• zaposlitev za poln in nedoločen čas s poskusno dobo
• prilagodljiv delovni čas
• dinamično in zanimivo timsko delo v mladem kolektivu
• delo v kreativnem in ambiciozno naravnanem mednarodnem podjetju
• dostop do edinstvenega znanja, informacij na področju letalstva ter sredstva za strokovno usposabljanje
• možnost osebnega in strokovnega razvoja

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