Shanghai, Shanghai, China
22 days ago
Front Office Manager-前厅部经理-Hilton Shanghai Fengxian

What will I be doing? 


As the Front Office Manager, you will be responsible for performing the following tasks to the highest standards: 


• Maintain high customer service focus by approaching your job with the customers always in mind. 


• Have a positive impact, taking personal responsibility and initiative to resolve issues, always clearly communicating with both customers and colleagues. 


• Motivated and committed, approaching all tasks with enthusiasm and seizing opportunities to learn new skills or knowledge in order to improve your personal performance. 


• Be flexible, responding quickly and positively to changing requirements including the performance of any tasks requested of you. 


• Maintain high team focus by showing cooperation and support to colleagues in the pursuit of team goals. 


• Contribute ideas and suggestions to enhance operational / environmental procedures in the hotel. 


• Actively promote the services and facilities of Hilton hotels to guests and suppliers of the hotel. 


• Actively seek verbal feedback from customers and team members at every opportunity. 


• Agree and implement actions to make improvements to customer service. 


• Positively dealing with and learn from customer complaints and comments with follow-up and feedback to the Director of Operations. 


• Make sure all customer requests and queries are responded to promptly and effectively while assisting on the floor during peak periods each day. 


• Be available to assist on duty in the hotels during any busy days or special events. 


• Maintain a presence in the lobby setting the example for team members for guest service. 


• Be proactive towards guests, assisting them with any reasonable requests, and training all team members to see these things before the guests ask. 


• Have detailed knowledge of Hilton departmental standards, explaining the standards to the team and training each team member individually with specific job skills checklists that relate to their responsibilities. 


• Assess team members’ performance against standards. 


• Monitor standards through regular standards review checks. 


• Develop action plans to address shortfalls in standards and identify shortfalls before they affect customer service. 


• Implement and follow through with improvements identified. 


• Demonstrate positive leadership characteristics which inspire team members to meet and exceed standards.  


• Prepare rosters and job schedules for team members to meet business needs (taking into consideration internal activities, occupancy and external events, promotions etc.). 


• Communicate effectively with Housekeeping, groups and tours about any in-house group holding catering events, ensuring direct liaison with group leaders upon arrival for special requests. 


• Describe, assign and delegate duties and authority for the operation of the department at all times. 


• Understand the situation in other departments and their implications for your own department. 


• Plan ahead and ensure adequate resources are available. 


• Coordinate with the Housekeeping department to ensure cleaning is followed-up, ensuring that follow-up procedures are maintained. 


• Ensure that the shift is reviewed, handovers and briefings are carried out. 


• Maintain in-depth technical knowledge and skills required for the job. 


• Maintain guest histories to assist with returning guests. 


• Establish good communication with the Housekeeping team. 


• Attend and participate in regular operational and hotel meetings. 


• Ensure that supplier liaison with the Purchasing team ensures maximum support with regards to sponsorship, marketing and pricing initiatives. 


• Responsible for the maximization of room revenue and profit through commercial room management, ensuring a consistently high standard of customer service within the department. 


• Make all decisions regarding overbooking the hotel on the same day, ensure all out bookings are carried out by members of the Management and that overbooking levels for future days will be monitored by the Revenue Manager. 


• Understand the goals of the hotel and the department’s role in achieving it, communicating goals to the team. 


• Ensure that daily operation is managed by the Guest Service Managers and Supervisors who are totally accountable for the profitability and service standards achieved. 


• Sett and agree to departmental objectives for self and team. 


• Represent the needs of the team to others in the hotel. 


• Get members of the team to work co-operatively with others. 


• Keep the team up to date on departmental, hotel and company activities through regular communication meetings and memos, including special events, promotions in the restaurants and bars. 


• Be aware of potential highs and lows in the business. 


• Create and implement sales promotions and team members incentives as per discussion with the Director of Operations. 


• Assist the Marcom team with the preparation of event brochures. 


• Assist with the annual marketing plan to establish a list of marketing activities in line with the annual business plan, supported by appropriate advertising and promotion budgets from suppliers with the support of the Revenue Manager and marcom team. 


• Identify, communicate and act on potential sales leads. 


• Participate in the development of the annual budget, developing short and long term financial operating plans.  


• Use key monitors and financial targets to evaluate the department’s performance and make future plans. 


• Analyze financial information that is provided via the payroll system and ONQ, to assist decision making.  


• Complete regular financial and operating reports as required or requested by the Director of Operations. 


• Forecast potential costs, review expenses on a monthly basis and implement actions for improvement, following the company’s control procedures. 


• Communicate relevant financial information to the team. 


• Analyze and explain any financial variance against plans. 


• Set-up and maintain leave plans for the department. 


• Monitor, control and minimize overtime for the department. 


• Carry out seasonal inventory of operating equipment. 


• Understand the quantity and quality of people needed to operate the department. 


• Carry out selection interviews and make effective recruitment decisions based on skills and attitude. 


• Ensure that new recruits have all relevant information before commencing employment. 


• Plan and ensure that departmental orientation is carried out. 


• Ensure standards trainings and assessments are carried out. 


• Regularly review individual and team performance against objectives and provide feedback. 


• Develop and implement department training plans to meet business needs. 


• Carry out training programs for team members with the Training Manager and departmental trainers. 


• Assist in the training of team members ensuring that they have the necessary skills to perform their duties with maximum efficiency.  


• Review and evaluate all training activities. 


• Carry out annual appraisals with all team members in accordance with legal and hotel guidelines and identify individual training needs. 


• Provide relevant training to new team members.  


• Introduce appropriate product knowledge courses for team members. 


• Understand relevant Health & Safety (H&S) legislations and their implications on the operation of the department. 


• Communicate to the team their responsibilities within H&S. 


• Ensure that safe and healthy working practices are implemented at all times. 


• Participate in community public relations for the hotel.  






• 永远记住客人是你工作的中心。 


• 保持一个积极的态度,履行个人的职责并主动去解决问题,永远和你的客人以及团队成员进行清晰明了的沟通。 


• 目的明确地,坚定地,热情洋溢地执行所有工作任务,把握时机去学习新的工作技巧和知识,以改进和提高你个人的绩效。 


• 灵活性地,积极地进行反应,清晰明确地改变职位需求。 


• 主张团队的中心,是展示团结协作和支持同事达成团队目标。 


• 贡献自己的观点和意见,强化酒店操作运作的、环境周围的程序。 


• 积极地推销希尔顿酒店的服务和设备给客人和酒店的供应商。 


• 同意并实施以行动去提高对客服务的质量。 


• 以明确地的态度、正确地对待和处理客人投诉和反馈意见,跟进并向营运总监报告,并从中学习。 


• 确保所有客人的要求和问题都迅速和有效地响应和处理,同时在每日高峰期的时候给予他人帮助。 


• 在忙绿时期或者特殊时期可以对酒店的营运进行协助管理。 


• 出现在大堂进行对客服务,让团队成员学习,起典范作用。 


• 积极主动的面对客人,协助他们接近合理的需求,培训所有团队成员提前预知客人要求。 


• 掌握部门的希尔顿品牌标准的详细内容。 


• 有能力向团队解释标准的要求,同时给各个团队成员个人进行相关的专业的工作技巧培训并完全培训检查表。 


• 根据标准,对团队成员的行为进行评估。 


• 监督各个标准的执行情况,定期的对各个标准进行回顾检查。 


• 执行和发展行动计划,在影响对客服务之前,完善和识别标准要求里面的不足之处。 


• 实施和跟进可被识别的可提高之处。 


• 展示及发挥你的积极的领导力,鼓励团队成员努力达到和超越标准的要求。 


• 准备排班表和工作计划给团队成员以完成工作需求。(同时考虑内部的活动和住房率以及外部的会议、促销等)。 


• 积极地和客房部沟通,对于一些住客的会议团队,积极有效地和旅行社保持联系,以确保团队领队在到达时能享受特殊的优质服务。 


• 描述、分配和分派工作任务,永远以部门的营运要求为依据。 


• 了解其他部门的情况并把相关的内容导入本部门。 


• 提前计划和确保有充足的可用资源。 


• 和客房部协调,以确保在施工之后清洁得以跟进。确保跟进程序的实施。 


• 确保各个轮班得以被评估和交接,以及简报会议得以执行实现。 


• 彻底深入地掌握工作要求的工作知识和技能。 


• 记录保持客人历史记录,以便更好地给再次入住的客人提供优质的服务。 


• 和客房部团队建立良好的沟通。 


• 出席和参加定期的营运部门和酒店的会议。 


• 联合采购部,保持与供应商的联络,以确保最大化地获得赞助、市场和主动定价等方面的支持。 


• 有责任通过商业房间的管理,最大化的增加房间收益和利益,且确保本部门始终如一地保持对客服务的高标准。 


• 制定所有关于酒店特殊时期房间超定的政策,确保所有超额预订的对外订房都被执行和妥善管理。在未来时期的超额预订将由收益经理进行监督。 


• 根据营前厅部经理要求,执行其他合理的责任和任务。明白酒店和部门的目标并实现它们。 


• 与团队针对目标进行沟通。 


• 确保宾客服务经理和主管在管理日常的工作运行,他们对收益和服务标准的执行有绝对的责任和义务。 


• 建立且同意部门给自己和团队制定的目标。 


• 向其他酒店述求团队的需要。 


• 促使团队成员之间团结协作。 


• 保证团队能一直获取部门、酒店和公司的最新的活动信息,通过定期的沟通会议和备忘录。这包括了餐厅和酒吧的特殊的会议和促销活动。 


• 在每个分部门,通过工作计划,紧密地监视工作质量,如果有需要,采取直接的矫正措施。 


• 意识到潜在的业务可能性的高低。 


• 在和营运总监沟通的前提下,制定且贯彻实施促销行动和团队成员激励活动。 


• 协助公关部团队准备会议的手册。 


• 协助制定年度的市场计划和设计市场活动安排,符合年度的业务计划。这个应该包括适当的广告和促销的预算支持,收益经理及其团队和公关团队也会给以支持。 


• 识别、和他人沟通且以行动寻找销售机会。 


• 参与年度预算、发展计划、长期及短期的财务运营计划的制定。 


• 使用重点监督和财务指标去评估部门的表现并制定未来计划。 


• 通过工资系统和ONQ系统给予的信息,进行财务分析,并协助决策的制定。 


• 根据营运总监的要求,完成定期的财务和营运报告。 


• 预测潜在的成本。 


• 回顾每月的支出和改善计划。 


• 跟进公司的成本控制程序。 


• 在不降低标准的前提下,控制成本。 


• 把相关的财务信息与团队成员沟通。 


• 分析和解释与计划不一致的财务差异。 


• 制定和更新本部门的休假计划。 


• 监督、控制并使部门的加班小时数最小化。 


• 实施每个季度的营运设备盘点 


• 理解部门运营所要求的团队成员的数量和质量。 


• 参与每个分部门的面试和制定有效的招聘政策,针对工作技巧和团队成员态度对面试结果做出决定。 


• 确保在新的候选人正式成为正式团队成员之前,已经获取其所有相关信息。 


• 计划并确保部门的简介培训得以实施。 


• 确保标准的培训和评估得以实施。 


• 定期地回顾个人和团队的表现,评估其是否与目标情况一致。 


• 确保部门的培训计划已达到业务要求。 


• 与培训经理和部门培训员配合,积极地对团队成员进行培训。 


• 协助团队成员进行培训,保证他们掌握必须的工作技能去完成他们的职责并取得最好的收益。 


• 回顾和评估所有的培训活动。 


• 依据法律和酒店的规定,与所有的团队成员和进行年度的评估,并确定个人的培训需求。 


• 向团队成员介绍产品知识,进行相关的培训课程。 


• 参加培训员计划和活动,提供系统的培训给刚加入服务行业的团队成员。 


• 明白营运部门相关的健康和安全(H&S)法律及其含义。 


• 向团队成员讲解他们对于H&S的职责。 


• 确保所有的工作实践一直都在安全和健康的前提下进行。 


• 参加酒店与社区的公共服务关系管理。

What are we looking for? 


A Front Office Manager serving Hilton Brands is always working on behalf of our Guests and working with other Team Members. To successfully fill this role, you should maintain the attitude, behaviour, skills, and values that follow: 


• Good communication, organization and coordination skills. 


• Good team player. 


• Responsible and self-motivated. 


• Patient, responsible and proactive in dealing with problems. 


• Able to maintain excellent relations with team members.                                                                                


• Able to work under great physical and mental pressures. 


• Familiar with computer systems. 


• Fluent in spoken and written English to meet business needs.   






• 较强的沟通技巧和组织协调能力。 


• 较强的团队合作意识。 


• 强烈的责任感及自我激励能力。 


• 有耐心,高度责任感并且积极的应对各种问题。 


• 所有团队成员保持良好关系。 


• 能够承受工作压力.   


• 能熟练操作电脑系统。 


• 流利的英语口语和书面表达。 

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