Hospice Spiritual Care Coordinator
Hospice Spiritual Care Coordinator Job Location: Derby, Connecticut
Hospice Spiritual Care Coordinator
Masonicare Home Health & Hospice - Derby, CT area
Day Shift / 32hrs/wk
The Spiritual Care Coordinator assures the provision of spiritual services to adult, geriatric, pediatric, and neonatal Hospice patients and their families. May provide service directly or in cooperation with community clergy.
+ Assesses the need for spiritual services and establishes a plan of care to meet the spiritual needs of each adult, geriatric, pediatric, and neonatal patient/family admitted to hospice.
+ Assures that spiritual counseling in keeping with the adult, geriatric, pediatric, and neonatal patient/family belief system is provided unless otherwise requested by the patient/family. Documents patient and family interactions and is responsible for quality documentation of practitioners throughout the spiritual program.
+ Attends or provides for pastoral representation at the weekly team meetings; participates in the development and review of care plans established by the team for individual patients/families.
+ Periodically offers educational programs to community ministers on spiritual care of the dying. Attends continuing education programs on a regular basis. Interacts with community clergy when their congregants or parishioners are admitted to hospice. Is responsible for the orientation of area ministers as it relates to the provision of hospice care.
+ Available to meet with individual staff with regard to personal spiritual issues which may affect their ability to function effectively. Available to family and staff for counseling during the bereavement period.
+ Conducts religious/spiritual services or programs for adult, geriatric, pediatric, and neonatal clients and staff as appropriate. Provides ongoing in-service training for spiritual care providers of hospice care.
+ Provides administrative and informational liaison with adjacent areas hospice programs and provides pastoral liaison services with area hospital and nursing home chaplains.
+ Acts as instructor and resource person for the basic volunteer training program for laity.
+ Makes recommendations for policies and procedures as they relate to the provision of spiritual care services.
+ Offers individuals different philosophies and religious perspective opportunities to discuss and share their thoughts, feelings, beliefs and values.
+ Participates or assists in arrangements for post-funeral bereavement care, when appropriate.
+ Communicates effectively and tactfully with clients, recognizing their age, cultural diversity, needs, abilities and physical condition.
+ Can be depended upon to report to work on-time, use time off appropriately, and complete annual education & medical requirements.
+ Performs other duties as required.
+ Commitment to an interfaith and interdisciplinary approach to patient/family care.
+ Willingness to provide and coordinate care according to Hospice concepts and philosophy.
+ Experience/training in spirituality and/or religious education and interventions.
+ Undergraduate degree in a related field required, C.P.E. preferred.
+ Maintains current Drivers’ License and auto insurance.
+ Possess reliable transportation (Exception: Employee who utilize public transportation—Supervisory approval needed).
Job ID: 12393
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