Visión general y principales funciones
Estamos buscando un TÉCNICO HSE para unirse a nuestro equipo con el objetivo de apoyar la implementación del sistema de seguridad y salud en el trabajo.
Principales Responsabilidades
Realizar diagnósticos de las condiciones del sistema de gestión de la seguridad y salud
en el trabajo
Realizar el acompañamiento en el diseño y desarrollo del plan de trabajo que permita alcanzar los objetivos propuestos en el Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST); identificando claramente metas, responsabilidades, recursos y cronograma de actividades, en concordancia con los estándares mínimos del SG-SST.
Hacer seguimiento a las acciones correctivas generadas en las investigaciones de accidentes de trabajo y demás hallazgos detectados en el SG-SST.
Organizar y promover el óptimo desarrollo de actividades, estrategias o comités propios del área.
Vigilar y ejecutar inspecciones de seguridad, basadas en el plan de trabajo establecido.
Desarrollar un programa de capacitación que proporcione conocimiento para identificar los peligros y controlar los riesgos relacionados con el trabajo.
Apoyar el diseño y ejecución del plan de prevención, preparación y respuesta ante emergencias
Apoyar y supervisar el cumplimiento legal en materia de seguridad y salud, reportando oportunamente cualquier riesgo o inconsistencia.
Presentar informes que le sean solicitados. Apoyar las actividades de Higiene y Seguridad Industrial
Hacer acompañamiento en la Investigación de incidentes y/o accidentes de Trabajo.
Todas las demás labores inherentes al cargo que sean requeridas
¿A quién buscamos?
Formación mínima como tecnólogo en seguridad y salud en el trabajo o afines
Mínimo 2 años de experiencia en implementación y mantenimiento de Sistemas de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo.
Conocimiento de normatividad legal vigente en implementación del SG-SST,
Curso de 50 horas en SST y curso de alturas (opcional).
Manejo de paquete Office y Excel.
Alta capacidad de comunicación
Deseable conocimientos en auditoría
Overview and main functions
We are looking for a HSE TECHNICIAN to join our team to support the implementation of the occupational health and safety system.
Main Responsibilities
1. Perform diagnostics of the conditions of the occupational health and safety management system.
2. Accompany in the design and development of the work plan that will allow to achieve the objectives proposed in the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS); (SG-SST); clearly identifying goals, responsibilities, resources and schedule of activities, in accordance with the minimum standards of the OSHMS.
3. Follow up on corrective actions generated in the investigation of occupational accidents and other findings
4. Organize and promote the optimal development of activities, strategies or committees of the area.
5. Monitor and execute safety inspections, based on the established work plan.
6. Develop a training program that provides knowledge to identify hazards and control work-related risks.
7. Support the design and implementation of the emergency prevention, preparedness and response plan.
8. Support and monitor legal compliance in safety and health matters, reporting any risks or inconsistencies in a timely manner.
9. Submit reports as requested.
10. Support Health and Safety activities.
11. Accompanying in the investigation of incidents and/or accidents at work.
12. All other duties inherent to the position as required.
Who are we looking for?
- Minimum training as a technologist in occupational health and safety or related fields.
- Minimum 2 years of experience in implementation and maintenance of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.
- Knowledge of current legal regulations in the implementation of the OSH-SMS,
- 50 hours OSH course and heights course (optional).
- Office and Excel package management.
- High communication skills.
- Desirable knowledge in auditing
Prysmian , as an Equal Opportunity Employer, aims to attract and recruit individuals with diverse backgrounds, skills, and abilities. We strongly believe that diversity brings significant value at all levels of the organization, increasing the possibility of capturing market opportunities and maximizing value for our customers and stakeholders. With Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) as part of our Social Ambition 2030 and a strategic pillar of our Company culture, Prysmian is committed to the development of an organization that prioritizes talent, where people feel respected, included, and free to fully express their potential just as they are.
All Managers and HRs in Prysmian are responsible for ensuring DE&I policies are respected during the recruiting process, as well as recognizing and mitigating unconscious biases that must not influence our selection processes. All persons will be considered for employment without regard to their race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, origin, citizenship status, socio-economic status, age, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, military service or veteran status, pregnancy, parental leave, medical conditions, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws. Prysmian will endeavor to make a reasonable accommodation for any disclosed physical or neurological condition or disability of a qualified applicant unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the operation of our business.
Visit our DE&I Page to learn more about Prysmian's commitments.
Your application data will be treated according to our Data Protection Policy. If you believe you require assistance to complete this form or to participate in an interview, please let us know.