Insurance Examiner II
State of Massachusetts
*_About the Organization:_* The Division of Insurance ("DOI"), an Agency within the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation, administers the Commonwealth’s insurance consumer protection laws through its regulation of the insurance industry. The primary mission of the Division is to monitor the solvency of its licensees in order to promote a healthy, responsive and willing marketplace for consumers who purchase insurance products. The Division also investigates and responds to consumer inquiries and complaints, enforces state insurance laws and regulations, and provides the public with accurate and unbiased insurance information. An important aspect of the Division’s work is ensuring that the individuals and business entities conducting the business of insurance in Massachusetts do so in a legal and timely manner. The Division of Insurance is committed to creating and sustaining a work culture that is welcoming, inclusive, and mutually respectful to all its employees regardless of race, color, age, creed, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran or disability status. We strive to reflect diversity in all facets and levels of our agency. The Division of Insurance values inclusiveness and diversity within their employee and management teams. Within our community we strive to create and maintain working and learning environments that are inclusive, equitable, and welcoming. The Division of Insurance is committed to ensuring a diverse and inclusive workplace where all employees feel respected, valued, and empowered to maximize their skills and talents to serve our citizens. *_About the Role:_* The Insurance Examiner II participates in thefinancial examinationofinsuranceentities totest forsolvency andensurecompliance withthe Mass. General Laws andregulations.Duties include verifying assets, liabilities, and transactions of the insurance entity by evaluatingCPAworkpapers,testingcontrols,transactions andbalances,andperformingtheexaminationinaccordance with the guidelines and procedures of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners/Financial Condition Examiners Handbook/and the NAIC/Accreditation Program Manual/. *Duties and Responsibilities*: (these duties are a general summary and not all inclusive): * Examine the recordsofinsurancecompanies byreviewingtransactions anddocumentsandassessingfinancial conditionsinordertoensurecompliancewithapplicablestateandfederallaws,rules,regulations,guidelines and procedures. This is done by: o AssistingtheExaminer-in-Chargeinmakingpreliminaryjudgmentsofmateriality; o AssistingtheExaminer-in-Chargeinsettingtolerableerrorparametersanddeterminingwhetherexceptions identified are material to a change in surplus levels; o Reviewingcompanyfinancialstatementsforcompletenessandaccuracy; o AssistingtheExaminer-in-Chargeindeterminingcompany'soverallfinancialcondition; o Identifyingdeteriorationinassetquality,liquidityorcapitaladequacy; o UnderthedirectionoftheExaminer-in-Charge,reviewingandevaluatingindependentCPAworkpapers; o Performingindependenttestsofcompany controls,transactions,andtrialbalances; o AssistingtheEICindevelopmentsamplingtechniquesand; o AsassignedbytheEIC,reviewingforcompletenessthe Company'sGeneral Ledger,BoardofDirectors minutes andcommitteemeetings,eventssubsequenttothepreviousexamination, transactionswithaffiliatedcompanies, internal audit reports, reinsurance treaties, custodial agreements, corporate bylaws, work of outside specialists (actuaries, reinsurance, etc.), evaluating responses to specific Risk Analysis Questionnaires, holding company management agreements, and letters of representation. * Perform financial surveillance and oversee the governing operations of the workers’ compensation self-insurance groups licensed in the Commonwealth. * Perform oversight of the Division’s limited societies pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 176P. * Responsible for the annual collection of Surplus Lines tax and overseeing the record maintenance of special insurance brokers, licensing, and procurement of insurance in unauthorized companies. * Administer the appointment, renewal and record maintenance of Risk Purchasing Groups. * Perform theexaminationprocessinstrictaccordancewiththeNAIC/FinancialConditionExaminersHandbook/proceduresandtheNAIC/AccreditationProgramManual./ * Determine theformattobeusedinordertoproperlyconductaudits and examinations.Reviewand interpretNAIC Financial Examiners handbook procedures and evaluate applicability to each examination cycle. * Confer withagency personnel,companypersonnelandotherstoobtaindataand/orsupportivedocumentation. * Prepare financial reportsandstatements based onfindingsofaudits/examinations todescribethefinancialcondition of institutions examined, to provide information concerning activities, and to recommend changes in policies and procedures;complete andorganize workpapersdocumenting examinationworkperformedtosupporttheexaminer findings andconclusions; prepare awritten descriptionofeachassigned account summarizing results, including anyadjustment to the Company reported amounts in addition to any compliance or non-compliance to Massachusetts General Laws; document all communication between the company and the examiner. * Whenassignedby theExaminer-in-Charge,SupervisingExaminerorChiefExaminer, andasnecessary, supervise work of other examination staff. * Review newlaws,regulations,administrativebulletins,etc.todeterminetheirimpactoninsurancecompanies, HMOs and all examined entities. * Provide documentationonanyexceptionsfoundintheverificationofcompanyrecords. _ *Preferred Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:*_ * Knowledgeoftheprinciplesandpracticesofgeneralaccountingincludingterminology. * Knowledgeoftheprinciplesandpracticesofauditing. * Knowledgeof themethodsofgeneralreportwriting. * Abilitytoanalyze anddeterminetheapplicabilityofdata,todrawconclusions andmakeappropriaterecommendations. * Abilitytoreadandinterpretdocumentssuchasfinancialreports,accounts andledgers. * Abilitytounderstand,apply andexplainthelaws,rules,regulations,policies,procedures,etc., governing assigned unit activities. * Abilitytoperformmathematicalcalculationsusingformulaetosolveproblems. * Abilitytofolloworal andwritteninstructions. * Abilitytogatherinformationbyexaminingrecordsanddocumentsandthroughquestioningindividuals. * Abilitytomaintainaccuraterecords. * Abilitytopreparegeneralandfinancialreports. * Abilitytowriteconcisely, toexpressthoughtsclearlyandtodevelopideasin logicalsequence. * Abilitytocommunicateeffectivelyinoralexpression. * Abilitytoexercisesoundjudgment. * Abilitytoexercisediscretioninhandlingconfidentialinformation. * Abilitytoadapt tovaryingworksituations. * Abilitytoestablishandmaintainharmoniousworkingrelationshipsanddealtactfullywithothers. * Abilitytoworkina teamsetting. * Abilitytoworkindependently. * Knowledgeof theprinciples ofinvestmentandmanagementanalysis asrelatedtotheinsuranceindustry. * Knowledgeof theterminologyusedintheinsuranceindustry. * Abilitytogiveoralandwritteninstructionsinaprecise, understandablemanner. * Abilitytosupervise,includingplanningandassigningworkaccordingtothenature ofthe jobto be accomplished, the capabilities of subordinates and available resources; controlling work through periodic reviews and/or evaluations; determining subordinates' training needs and providing or arranging for such training; motivating subordinates to work effectively; determining the need for disciplinary action and either recommending or initiating disciplinary action. *_All applicants should attach a cover letter and resume to their online submission for this position._* **/SALARY PLACEMENT IS DETERMINED BY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE POSITION AND THE HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION’S RECRUITING GUIDELINES. IN THE CASE OF A PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITY, THE SALARY PROVISIONS OF THE APPLICABLE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WILL APPLY TO (OR WILL BE UTILIZED FOR) PLACEMENT WITHIN THE SALARY RANGE./** *First consideration will be given to those applicants that apply within the first 14 days.* Minimum Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have at least (A) three years of full-time, or equivalent part-time, professional experience in accounting, auditing, or in the examination of insurance companies or in the regulation of the insurance industry, or (B) any equivalent combination of the required experience and the substitutions below. Substitutions: I. A Bachelor's degree with a major in accounting, business administration, business management or insurance may be substituted for a maximum of two years of the required experience.* II. A Graduate degree with a major in accounting, business administration, business management or insurance may be substituted for the required experience.* *Education toward such a degree will be prorated on the basis of the proportion of the requirements actually completed. Special Requirements: Based on assignment, possession of a current and valid Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Operator's license may be required. _*Comprehensive Benefits*_ When you embark on a career with the Commonwealth, you are offered an outstanding suite of employee benefits that add to the overall value of your compensation package. We take pride in providing a work experience that supports you, your loved ones, and your future. Want the specifics? Explore our Employee Benefits and Rewards! *An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer. Females, minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.* The Commonwealth is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, national origin, veteran status, or any other basis covered by appropriate law. Research suggests that qualified women, Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color (BIPOC) may self-select out of opportunities if they don't meet 100% of the job requirements. We encourage individuals who believe they have the skills necessary to thrive to apply for this role. **Job:** **Accounting and Finance* **Organization:** **Division of Insurance* **Title:** *Insurance Examiner II* **Location:** *Massachusetts-Boston - 1 Federal St* **Requisition ID:** *250002DI*
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