Must Have Skills (Top 3 technical skills only)*:
Utility enerrgy and transmission, Asset management expertise Process design and solution Standard Software development cycleDetailed Job Description:
Leaddrive requirements gathering workshops for blueprint design purposesProvides solution design experience in recommending and assessing design solutions and alternatives industry expertise on all Work Asset Management process areas input and recommendation on technical implications of specific design solutionsEnsure end to end design provides a practical, integrated business solution solution design is compatible with future strategies visionValidate project design and communicate potentia
Minimum years of experience*: 5+
Certifications Needed: No
Top 3 responsibilities you would expect the Subcon to shoulder and execute*:
Leaddrive requirements gathering workshops for blueprint design purposes Provides solution design experience in recommending and assessing design solutions and alternatives Provide industry expertise on all Work and Asset Management process areasInterview Process (Is face to face required?) Yes
Does this position require Visa independent candidates only? Yes