1 day ago
IT - Technology Lead, Java, J2EE
Job Seekers, Please send resumes to Job Details:-

Must Have Skills (Top 3 technical skills only) *
1. JBoss or Wildfly, and Tomcat Application Servers Extensive experience with latest Java and Java web applications
2. Spring, Hibernate, SOAP, REST, XML and JSON. JDBC, SQL and database stored procedures
3. JavaScript frameworks like ExtJs etc

Nice to have skills (Top 2 only)
1. TeamForge, Jenkins and VSS

Detailed Job Description:-

Below skill set required Expertise with application servers JBoss or Wildfly, and Tomcat Application Servers Extensive experience with latest Java and Java web applications. Expertise in the below technologies Spring, Hibernate, SOAP, REST, XML and JSON. JDBC, SQL and database stored procedures. JBoss or Wildfly,. JavaScript frameworks like ExtJs etc.

Minimum years of experience*: 

Certifications Needed:  No

Top 3 responsibilities you to shoulder and execute*:
1. Design, develop, implement, support and maintain complex Java applications.
2. Conduct design and code reviews to ensure design principles are followed.
3. Working knowledge in integration of multiple APIsbackend services.

Interview Process (Is face to face required?) No.
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