Huntersville, NC, US
72 days ago
Lean Manager

​No high school diploma or equivalent? No problem! Southwire encourages you to apply even if you do not have a high school diploma or equivalent. Our Pathway to Success program will help you attain your high school equivalency while working full-time as you pursue your career in manufacturing. Work full time and join our Pathway to Success program to earn your GED. Apply today!


A leader in technology and innovation, Southwire Company, LLC is one of North America’s largest wire and cable producers. Southwire and its subsidiaries manufacture building wire and cable, metal-clad cable, portable and electronic cord products, OEM wire products and engineered products. In addition, Southwire supplies assembled products, contractor equipment, hand tools and jobsite power and lighting solutions. We are proud to offer competitive compensation, employee benefits, tuition reimbursement and unlimited growth opportunities. Our more than seven decades of progressive growth can be attributed to our commitment to delivering quality and service to our customers, exercising environmental stewardship, enhancing the well-being of our employees and giving back to the communities in which we work and live. How will you power what’s possible?


Location: Huntersville, NC

Shift: [[Shift]]

Pay Rate: [[custom_Min]] – [[custom_Max]]

Southwire Job Description

This role is responsible for driving the development and implementation of continuous improvement projects consistent with and in support of the strategic plan and the business operating plan.  The Lean Manufacturing Manager will own the Lean maturity assessments and improvement initiatives for the site.  They will also partner with site leaders on strategy and deployment objectives.


Key Responsibilities

Documents and works with site controller to validate achieved Lean savings. Make recommendations on designing new procedures and methods for operational processes using their knowledge of the operation and in partnering and collaborating with various other departments.  Utilize project charters with deliverables to work with site leaders to identify, modify, and sustain desired changes including reducing waste and improving efficiencies.  Lead projects and initiatives from idea generation to strategic execution.  Provide strategic insight and evaluation of the organizations progression. Act as a mentor for the Continuous Improvement leadership, supervisory staff and frontline personnel. Develop and influence strategy, planning, and execution depending on project or initiative needs. Lead goal setting, assignment of projects, and review of progress, approval, and feedback for respective site. KPI goal setting with the site via semi-annual business assessment, reporting and leading site reporting for KPI’s.  Monthly updates on CI resource and engagement activities.   Be a change agent: challenge organizational leaders to drive continuous improvements; remove organizational barriers to continuous improvement processes.Develop, implement and monitor site Lean training initiatives.


Qualifications and Experience

BS/BA or equivalent experience. 4-8 years of successful leadership in executing continuous improvement/Lean/Six Sigma efforts and enabling efficiency, effectiveness resulting in demonstrable tangible financial benefit. Lean Master or Master Six Sigma Green Belt certification or equivalent. Prior leadership or management experience required. Experience designing, implementing and leading continuous improvement projects/programs. Must have thorough understanding of cycle time reduction, waste reduction, yield improvement, productivity, OEE and throughput improvement.   Intimate knowledge and hands-on experience using operational excellence and continuous improvement methods; ability to personally conduct events and effectively train others in industry standard VSM, LMS, 5S, TPM, SMED, MPS, TPI, SD, 7 Wastes, Standard Work, various 3P, problem solving and action planning. Proven leadership skills to coach and lead teams to fully deliver chartered objectives and projects. Ability to establish self as credible leader and partner with site leadership as a trusted member of site staff. Excellent project management skills. Ability to be a self-starter with excellent organizational skills in planning and organizing to handle multiple tasks concurrently. The ability to travel up to 25% of the time. Competencies Action OrientedBalances StakeholdersCollaboratesCustomer FocusNimble LearningPlans and Aligns

Benefits We Offer:

401k with Matching & Pension Plan (Eligible for Pension after 1,000 Hours Worked) Family and Individual Insurance Packages (Health, Life, Dental, and Vision)  Paid Time Off & Paid Holidays  Long & Short-Term Disability  Supplemental Insurance Plans Employee Assistance Program  Employee Referral Program  Tuition Reimbursement Programs  Advancement & Professional Growth opportunities   Parental Leave  & More 

Southwire is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

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