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LECTURER, Comparative Media Studies/Writing, to work as writing-in-the-disciplines specialists in the Writing, Rhetoric, and Professional Communication program (WRAP); teaching communication within communication-intensive classes primarily in STEM subjects; working with disciplinary faculty and other WRAP lecturers to develop pedagogy, instruction, and assignments that teach the rhetorical principles of written and oral communication; and evaluating and responding to student communication assignments in a variety of contexts and providing guidance to faculty and TAs for evaluating and responding to student communication assignments. A thriving program with over thirty lecturers, WRAP collaborates with faculty across MIT to provide communication instruction within communication-intensive subjects in all departments. In addition to technical knowledge, MIT graduates need to know how to analyze audiences and attend to differences in discourse conventions, how to analyze and produce specialized genres and forms of argumentation, and how to compose, evaluate, and integrate oral, written, visual, and digital modes of communication. WRAP researches these concepts and professional practices, develops new pedagogy, and assesses how students learn, apply, and transfer this knowledge.