Bend, OR, USA
18 days ago
Part Time Instructor Nursing - Bend and/or Madras Campus (POOL)
Position Details Position Information

Position Title Part Time Instructor Nursing - Bend and/or Madras Campus (POOL) Classification Title Part-Time Instructor Hourly rate, Stipend, or Load Unit $745 per load unit Close Date Open Until Filled Yes Open Until Filled Notes Open for 24/25 Academic Year Position Type/Employee Class Part-Time Instructor Instructor Status This is a part-time instructor position, non-represented and non-benefited. Overtime Eligible Exempt FLSA Status Learned Professional Campus Location Bend Primary Purpose Provide instruction for students in an Associate of Applied Science degree in a Nursing Program with Practical Nurse and Registered Nurse exit points. The instructor will be expected to teach primarily medical-surgical content as well as components of maternity, pediatrics, and mental health nursing; and pharmacology. The focus of student instruction includes application of relevant theoretical frameworks, development and refinement of psychomotor skills, integration of pathophysiology and disease processes, and the nursing care of hospitalized and community-based clients across the lifespan with simple to complex alterations in health. Nursing Faculty are expected to create a caring learning environment that will promote active learning and foster critical thinking.

COCC is looking for part-time instructors for our Bend and Madras Campuses.  This will be discussed more if you are contacted for an interview.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities Provide Instruction in Nursing. The Nursing Program Curriculum is taught using a collaborative teaching model. The focus of this position is skills instruction and clinical Instruction. Skills instruction is delivered in a Learning Resource Center environment that includes scenario-based skills instruction, supervised coaching sessions, simulation, and skills assessment. Clinical instruction is provided in a variety of healthcare settings, primarily St. Charles Medical Center in Bend and Redmond, using a model of direct student supervision, and a final term Capstone. The Nursing Faculty value the participation of individuals in decision- and policy-making processes and practice Shared Governance. Faculty assignments include providing individual conference time to guide and evaluate student progress. Part-time teaching requires up to 24.5 load units per year, involving approximately 56 students per class and 8 students per practicum group. Teaching assignments may include clinical assignments taught during the day and/or evening shift. Capstone clinical assessment may require travel to various locations, including Redmond, Madras, Prineville and Lapine. Nursing faculty are expected to perform all essential duties and tasks specific to the nursing department as outlined in the Nursing Program Faculty Handbook. Participate in the shared governance of the department and the college. Maintain Office Hours and Student Contact: All instructors are expected to be available to their students outside of class for approximately one hour/week for each section they teach up to a maximum of five hours/week. Facilitate the Nursing Program Curriculum: Perform essential duties and tasks specific to the nursing program, and additional assignments as delegated. Other College Responsibilities: Part-time instructors are welcome to participate in program management activities. This may include 1) cooperating with administration in program and course development; 2) participating on College committees, in faculty organizations, and professional advisory committee meetings; and 3) assisting the department chairperson in program planning, course development and revision, and accreditation activities. A stipend is provided for meeting attendance. Perform other essential duties and tasks in the Nursing Department as assigned. Meet as a Condition of Employment. Faculty must meet the minimum requirements for the position and such other appropriate college requirements that become necessary throughout the teaching career. Department Specific Cooperate with other College personnel to assist students with career planning, job placement, and follow-up studies. Act as resource person for students regarding available college services such as counseling, financial aid, tutoring and study skills. Work with appropriate College personnel to write proposals for program funds. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities College-Level Thorough knowledge in the field of instruction. Knowledge of teaching and instruction of various audiences and group dynamics. Visual ability, corrected, to enable instructors to observe, direct, and supervise students in laboratory situations. Familiarity with and ability to operate or oversee the operation of audio-visual equipment, including overhead projectors, film, sound systems, video, television, interactive video and audio equipment including computer controlled mixed media presentations. Ability to operate or oversee the operation of computers, online instructional delivery systems and other technologies. Ability to orally communicate effectively with others, using the English language, with or without the use of an interpreter. Ability to communicate effectively in writing, using the English language, with or without the use of auxiliary aids or services. Ability to review, understand and apply concepts presented in training programs, conferences, and/or professional literature. Ability to work with department faculty and other COCC staff at all levels. Willingness to travel and/or teach at various hours and locations, as requested. Ability to competently advise and/or serve students from a variety of background, respecting cultural and socio-economic differences.

Nursing Department Level
Apply values for teaching and learning: Create a learning climate of mutual respect and fairness. Encourage creative and critical thinking. Engage students in an active learning process. Facilitate learning that applies to and enriches a students’ life. Encourage mutual responsibility for a supportive learning environment. Clarify expectations and encourage student responsibilities for learning. Evaluate student progression across the sequence of courses. Promote learning as a lifelong process. Willingness to develop knowledge and expertise in any area of the nursing curriculum. Work in a cooperative manner with staff and faculty in the nursing department and individuals affiliated healthcare facilities. Ergonomic Requirements Individuals in the Nursing Department must be able to perform additional essential functions with reasonable accommodation according to ADA Standards without risking injury to self or others, or threatening the safety of clients, or to otherwise provide appropriate documentation how he/she can perform all essential functions as listed when ability is in question: Strength and mobility sufficient to assist with practicum learning and client care activities. Physical endurance sufficient to complete assigned periods of instruction, e.g. 5, 8, 10, and/or 12 hours shifts on days, evenings, or nights. Cognitive ability to collect, analyze, and integrate information and knowledge to make clinical judgments and client management decisions that promote patient safety and student success.

Individuals in the Nursing Department may be exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials in the practicum settings. All college employees who have been identified as having the potential for this exposure are required to complete a hepatitis B vaccination series. The employee has the right to waive these inoculations. Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements:Candidates must meet qualifications set forth by the Oregon State Board of Nursing, Division 21, Oregon Administrative Rules as a Nurse Educator Associate. These include: A baccalaureate degree in nursing. The instructor shall hold a current, unencumbered license to practice as a registered nurse in Oregon. Have two years of experience as a registered nurse.

As well as these set forth by the College: The candidate must show evidence of expertise in clinical nursing practice, with a minimum of two years’ clinical-based experience in direct patient care or as an instructor in a nursing education program or nursing continuing education program within the last five years. Requires demonstrated excellence in teaching or promise of excellence in instruction. Strong interpersonal skills and ability to respond to changing demands. Must pass criminal history check in accordance with Oregon State Board of Nursing licensure regulations. Equivalency Statement The College recognizes the value of skills and knowledge gained outside of formal higher education and paid employment. Applicants who do not meet minimum qualifications but present other qualifications or experience equivalent to those required will be considered and are encouraged to apply. To qualify under equivalency, applicants must indicate how they qualify under equivalency by responding to the supplemental question presented during the application process. Preferred Qualifications Preference will be given to candidates that meet the educational and experiential requirements necessary to teach across the nursing curriculum as defined by the Oregon State Board of Nursing, Division 21, as a Nurse Educator. A master’s degree in nursing, or a baccalaureate degree in nursing, and master’s in a related field with a post-masters certificate in nursing from a program that is a least two semesters or three quarters in length. Or, is eligible for exception as defined by Division 21, 851-021-0045, (6), including: (a) the education and experience qualifications are deemed equivalent to the requirement; or (b) the individual has a baccalaureate in nursing, a masters or doctorate in a related field, and relevant nursing experience. See Nurse Practice Act for complete discussion. Have at least three years of nursing experience. A master’s degree in Nursing that has a clinical or nursing education focus. Community college teaching experience. EEO Statement The goal of Central Oregon Community College is to provide an atmosphere that encourages our faculty, staff and students to realize their full potential. In support of this goal, it is the policy of Central Oregon Community College that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the basis of age, disability, sex, marital status, national origin, ethnicity, color, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, citizenship status, veteran or military status, pregnancy or any other classes protected under federal and state statutes in any education program, activities or employment. Persons with questions about this statement should contact Human Resources at 541.383.7216 or the Vice President for Student Affairs at 541.383.7211.
This policy covers nondiscrimination in both employment and access to educational opportunities. When brought to the attention of the appropriate parties, any such actions will be promptly and equitably responded to according to the process outlined in general procedures sections N-1, N-2, or N-3.

In support of COCC’s EEO statement, bilingual fluency in English and Spanish is considered a plus, along with experience working in a diverse multicultural setting. Supplemental Questions

Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).

* What is your highest level of education? No High School Diploma or GED High School Diploma or GED Professional Certification or License (not a degree) Associates Degree Bachelors Degree in Progress Bachelors Degree Masters Degree In Progress Masters Degree Ph.D. in Progress Ph.D. J.D. M.D. Other Doctorate Level Degree * How many years of COLLEGE LEVEL teaching experience do you have? Less than 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3 years More than 3 years * For which campus(es) are you applying to teach: Bend Campus Madras Campus Both Campuses * Do you have a current, unencumbered license to practice as a registered nurse in Oregon? Yes No In support of COCC’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, bilingual fluency in English and another language is considered a plus: Please list any languages other than English in which you are fluent (read and write)

(Open Ended Question)

* The College is NOT able to support Visa applications for this position. Applicants must already be eligible to work and have the ability to arrive in the United States without the College’s support to be considered for this position. Are you, or will you be eligible to work and have the ability to arrive in the United States without the College’s support by the start date of this position? Yes No * The College recognizes the value of skills, knowledge, and experience gained outside of formal education and paid employment. Applicants who do not meet minimum education and/or experience requirements but possess other qualifications or experience they feel are equivalent are encouraged to apply. Check the applicable box(es) below and explain in the next question why your feel your education/experience should be considered equivalent. I meet all minimum requirements (education and experience) listed for this position. I do not meet the minimum education degree requirement(s). For example, the position requires a Bachelor's degree, I have an Associate's degree. My degree is not in the required stated area(s). For example, the position requires a Bachelor's degree in Accounting, I have a Bachelor's degree in another area. I have less than the minimum years' experience in the area(s) required. * As a follow up to the previous question, explain how your education/experience should be considered equivalent to the minimum requirements. If you feel you meet all the stated minimum requirements, please put N/A.

(Open Ended Question)

* COCC employees must work and reside in the state of Oregon at the time their work is being performed. Are you, or will you be residing in the state of Oregon by the start date of this position? Yes No * Are you a U.S. military veteran? COCC provides qualifying veterans and disabled veterans with preference in employment. To receive veterans' preference in this recruitment process, you must upload your DD214 and 215 (215 if applicable) or certification that you expect to be honorably discharged from the military within 120 days of certifying veteran status as supporting documentation. You will have the opportunity to upload the document(s) in the next step of this application process. Yes, I am a veteran No, I am not a veteran If you have identified yourself as a qualified veteran or disabled veteran by submitting your DD214 and DD215 (if applicable) form(s) as proof of veteran status, please describe any transferable skills earned during your military service that you feel relate to the requirements/preferences of this position.

(Open Ended Question)

* Background checks are required for all employees of COCC. Should an offer of employment be made to you and accepted by you, you will receive an email from COCC / HireRight Screening requesting your consent and basic information to complete the check. The offer of employment will be conditional upon satisfactory completion of the criminal background check. Confirmed findings on a criminal background check will not automatically disqualify you from being hired into a position. Results are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, considering the job responsibilities and other risk factors. Additional information regarding COCC’s criminal history check policy can be found online in the General Procedures Manual, Section HR-2-1. Please indicate here if you will provide consent to the criminal history check when requested by the College Yes, I will provide my consent when requested No, I will not provide my consent when requested Applicant Documents Required Documents Resume/Vitae Cover Letter College Transcript 1 (unofficial) Optional Documents Letter of Recommendation 1 US Military DD 214 License or Certification
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