Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) - (NY HELPS) - Region 8
New York State Civil Service
Agency Transportation, Department of
Title Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) - (NY HELPS) - Region 8
Occupational Category I.T. Engineering, Sciences
Salary Grade 24
Bargaining Unit PS&T - Professional, Scientific, and Technical (PEF)
Salary Range From $113535 to $125397 Annually
Employment Type Full-Time
Appointment Type Permanent
Jurisdictional Class Competitive Class
Travel Percentage 0%
Workweek Mon-Fri
Hours Per Week 37.5
From 8 AM
To 4 PM
Flextime allowed? No
Mandatory overtime? No
Compressed workweek allowed? No
Telecommuting allowed? No
County Dutchess
Street Address NYS Department of Transportation - Design Group
4 Burnett Blvd
City Poughkeepsie
State NY
Zip Code 12601
Duties Description The duties of this position involve supervising a Project Design Team which is responsible for the scoping,preliminary engineering and final design progression for Highway and Bridge Rehabilitation and Reconstructionprojects. This position is responsible for producing contract plans and supervising the preliminary engineeringphase, coordinating with Regional and Main Office Functional Groups, coordinating with the public, supervisingseveral Engineers and Technicians and working with consultant firms.
Minimum Qualifications This title is part of the New York Hiring for Emergency Limited Placement Statewide Program (NY HELPS).*To be considered for appointment through NY HELPS, or 55 b/c, candidates must meet the minimumqualifications for this position. The qualifications are:Open Competitive:Either 1. a New York State Professional Engineer's license and current registration AND a qualifying bachelor'sdegree or higher as listed below;Or 2. a New York State Professional Engineer's license and current registration AND one year of full-timequalifying engineering experience as listed below.Qualifying degrees: Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Technology, Construction Engineering, ConstructionEngineering Technology, Construction Engineering Management, Construction Engineering ManagementTechnology, Geological Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulics Engineering, Materials Engineering,Materials Science and Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Structural Engineering,Transportation Engineering, Transportation Planning and Engineering, or Engineering Science with a recognizedconcentration in any of the above listed engineering degrees.Qualifying experience: One year of full-time engineering experience with transportation projects related tohighways/roadways, railroads, bridges, airports, waterways, building structures, or traffic management andsafety systems.Candidates may also be qualified for permanent competitive appointment if reachable from the appropriateCivil Service eligible list or eligible for reassignment or transfer in accordance with Civil Service Law.Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) is a continuous recruitment examination for promotionalcandidates only. All interested promotional candidates must complete their online application here: New YorkState Career Opportunities in Engineering ( There is no fee for this examination. The minimumqualifications are:Promotional: You must have a New York State Professional Engineer's License and current registration AND bea qualified employee of New York State AND have had one year of permanent competitive or 55-b/55-c serviceas follows: Assistant Engineer (Civil/Transportation).Notes1. New York State Education Department (NYSED) Guidelines for Professional Engineering Practice,Guideline 1: As a licensed professional engineer, you are required to practice within your authorizedscope of practice, as defined in the Education Law, Commissioner's Regulations and Rules of the Boardof Regents. It is your responsibility to be knowledgeable of any restrictions that are based on law orregulation, as well as those that relate specifically to your area of professional competence.2. Continued employment as a Professional Engineer 1 is dependent upon continued possession of a NewYork State Professional Engineer's license with current registration. Failure to maintain your New YorkState License and registration may result in removal from the Professional Engineer 1 title. Informationregarding New York State professional engineering licensing may be obtained by writing to: NYS Officeof the Professions, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12234-1000; Voice: (518) 474-3817 ext.(570); Email: or Fax (518) 474-1449.
Additional Comments *This title is part of the New York Hiring for Emergency Limited Placement Statewide Program (NY HELPS). Forthe duration of the NY HELPS Program, this title may be filled via a non-competitive appointment, which meansno examination is required but all candidates must meet the minimum qualifications of the title for which theyapply.At a future date, it is expected employees hired under NY HELPS will have their non-competitive employmentstatus converted to competitive status, without having to compete in an examination. Employees will then beafforded with all of the same rights and privileges of competitive class employees of New York State. Whileserving permanently in an NY HELPS title, employees may take part in any promotion examination for whichthey are qualified.Your required educational credentials must have been awarded by an educational institution accredited by aregional, national, or specialized agency recognized as an accrediting agency by the United States (U.S.)Department of Education/Secretary of Education. If awarded by an institution outside of the U.S. and itsterritories, you must provide independent verification of equivalency. A list of companies that provide theseservices (fees must be paid to the company you choose) can be found at: starting salary for this position is $113,535. This amount is comprised of an increased hiring rate of$100,035 with an additional geographic pay differential up to $13,500, specific to this title and location.The maximum compensation for this position is $125,397. This amount is comprised of the standard job rateof $111,897 with an additional geographic pay differential of $13,500, specific to this title and location.In addition, a Mid-Hudson Adjustment of $1,650 or a Downstate Adjustment of $3,400 may also applydepending on the location of the position.
Some positions may require additional credentials or a background check to verify your identity.
Name Administrative Services
Fax 845-431-7927
Email Address
Street Administrative Services
4 Burnett Blvd
City Poughkeepsie
State NY
Zip Code 12603
Notes on Applying Qualified candidates should submit a letter of interest and a current resume, titled by last name, with the NoticeNumber R08-B-25-12 and last name in the subject line and referenced in the letter of interest no later than5/29/2025 to:New York State Department of TransportationAdministrative Services4 Burnett Blvd Poughkeepsie, NY 12603E-mail:
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