Roanoke, Virginia
428 days ago
Research Assistant- Pan Lab

In recent years, zebrafish has emerged as one of the leading models for developmental and computational neuroscience. The advantages of zebrafish include powerful genetics, a simple nervous system, and a translucent brain, ideal for structural and functional studies of the brain. These qualities have greatly facilitated the use of zebrafish to understand the complex interactions between genes, neural circuits, and behavior.

The Pan lab at the Virginia Tech Fralin Biomedical Research Institute (FBRI) uses zebrafish to understand the complex interactions between genes, neural circuits, and behavior ( We aim to elucidate the roles of cell adhesion molecules and candidate disease genes in assembling neurons into functional neural pathways.
Currently, the Pan lab is seeking to hire a Research Assistant to pursue the goals of our recently awarded NIH R01 grant ( The incumbent will be responsible for basic laboratory management, animal husbandry, ordering supplies, preparing buffers and solutions, maintaining laboratory equipment, organization of lab manuals/protocols/materials, and perform specific research tasks as needed.
We seek a bright, enthusiastic, and motivated individual interested in working with zebrafish and understanding the mysteries of brain development. As a member of the Pan lab, the ideal candidate would share our commitment to promoting inclusion, equity, and diversity and help create a community that nurtures learning and growth for all its members.

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