College Park, Maryland, USA
150 days ago
Research Engineer
The Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security ARLIS based at the University of Maryland College Park was established in 2018 under the auspices of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence USDI to be a strategic asset for research and development in social systems autonomy and augmentation and advanced computing ARLIS conducts both unclassified and classified research spanning from basic to applied system development and works to serve the US Government as an independent and objective trusted agent ARLIS research is driven by a cadre of research scientists and engineers faculty research specialists and project engineers further supported by senior University of Maryland faculty and a consortium of university partners Research is typically conducted through teams of eg social scientists computer scientists psychologists linguists cognitive neuroscientists applied mathematicians political scientists policy analysts and systems engineers ARLIS seeks research engineers in the Assistant Associate and full ranks to commit effort on ARLIS projects Research engineers conduct independent research combining scientific discovery with excellence in engineering practice design and development The typical research engineer candidate may have fewer peer reviewed publications due to experience in industry or US Government but has demonstrated experience building systems and delivering solutions to a defined customer Research engineers of all ranks are primarily involved in research with a focus on creating new things and expected mechanisms of disseminating research success may be primarily in forms other than journal papers eg patents reports software etc ARLIS Research Engineers focus on realizing things hardware software although they also produce and disseminate knowledge Activities include designing building testing analysis project management and serving as a technical subject matter expert Annual publication of scholarly works journal article book chapter conference paper technical report standard etc and invention disclosures may be expected in addition to other means of knowledge dissemination including software standards procedures technical reports and publicly available design studies Research engineers are expected to bring in sufficient funding to run their RampD programs which will be consistent with the overall ARLIS mission Exceptional candidates in all areas related to the ARLISs current research trajectories will be given serious consideration particularly those with experience in multiple areas These include Computational social science including agent based modeling and simulation social media analysis behavioral economics game theory predictive modeling Artificial intelligence including computer vision natural language processing human language technologies multimodal sense making and other AIML based systems Human machine interface to include augmented and virtual reality ARVR human systems integration and augmenting human performance Computational neuroscience and its links with machine learning and artificial intelligence Data science data creationcuration data fusion visualization analytics and decision support Industrial security including supply chain illumination and risk assessment Software engineering staticdynamic software analysis formal methods applied mathematics systems verification and validation metric development testbed design and trusted AI This position represents a pipeline to support emerging and future work at ARLIS Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis If you are looking for more immediate employment please review our other job postings at ARLIS that align to your skills and capabilities and support current needs that we are seeking to fill immediately
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