122 days ago
Senior Analyst


Prepare formal reports on designated Marine Corps operations and exercises based on an analysis of lessons learned materials including transcriptions of formal interviews of senior Marine Corps personnel, formal after-action reports (AAR), planning documents, orders, directives, doctrinal publications, unit standard operational procedures (SOP), etc.  Review formal AARs to identify both positive and negative trends and make recommendations for changes to Doctrine, Organization, Training, Material, Leadership and education, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF).



Develop draft, edit, and review Marine Corps lessons learned reports and other analytical products that contribute to DOTMLPF analysis and provide the rigor necessary to support the recommendations made in the report with actionable, informative, and relevant recommendations. Provide Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) analysis support to include development, production, editing, staffing, and review of synthesized lessons learned reports principally derived from lessons learned collection efforts and trend analysis for the lessons learned topics identified in the annual Marine Corps lessons learned campaign plan. Assist in the annual Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned (MCCLL) lessons learned collection campaign plan development and execution process.  The Senior Analyst for each element of the MAGTF (CE, GCE, ACE, LCE) leads their respective working group during the annual campaign plan working group and develops recommendations for suitable collection topics. Assist the collection team with the development of the collection proposal and collection plan. Analyze and review the materials collected. Participate in lessons learned collection team training. Provide peer review of other MAGTF element Senior Analysts products ensuring quality control of collection reports for consistency, readability, and analytical rigor. Employ derivative classification as necessary, in accordance with Executive Order 13525, DoD M-5200.01, DECNAV M-551-.36 and appropriate Geographical Combatant Commanders Security Classification Guides, for developed analytical products and conduct derivative classification reviews of products and final interview transcripts. Maintain regular and punctual attendance. Perform other duties as assigned.




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