Senior Internal Auditor
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The senior internal auditor is responsible for performing individual internal audit projects, as part of the total internal audit plan.
These responsibilities include performing internal audit procedures, preparing internal audit workpapers and reports reflecting the results of the work performed. Work performed will include coverage of functional and operating units and focus on financial, IT, and operational processes.
An employee in this position can expect an annual starting rate between $90,000 and $120,000 depending on experience, seniority, geographic locations, and other factors permitted by law.
We’re proud to be an industry leader, consistently recognized for excellence in quality and customer service in our stores and online at
The senior internal auditor is responsible for performing individual internal audit projects, as part of the total internal audit plan.
These responsibilities include performing internal audit procedures, preparing internal audit workpapers and reports reflecting the results of the work performed. Work performed will include coverage of functional and operating units and focus on financial, IT, and operational processes.
An employee in this position can expect an annual starting rate between $90,000 and $120,000 depending on experience, seniority, geographic locations, and other factors permitted by law.
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