To clarify, on a scale of 1 – 10 with 10 being ‘Expert’ level knowledge with hands-on production experience, we need AT LEAST:
Networker = 8
DD = 8
DPA = 6+
Avamar = Somewhat flexible if meets / exceeds all of the above, but would like 5-6+
Mon-Thurs onsite-Friday remote
Directly from the customer on prioritizing the skills required (as of 15 minutes ago):
Priority 1a – Strong DD experience (this is imperative to us taking their DD environment to the next level – deploying/supporting what they have and growing the environment)
Priority 1b – Strong Networker experience
Priority 2 – Hands-on DPA experience
Priority 3 – Business acumen
Networker Capacity based customer
-2 major DD/Networker installs (Orlando and Grand Prairie)
-8 Smaller/Remote Networker installs (some with DD)
-2 DD860’s
-Multiple small DD’s
Networker/DD Boost Integration Experience
Best Practices for leveraging Networker to DD in order to maximize performance and de- duplication benefits.
DPA experience is a plus
Skills EMC BRS: DPA, Data Domain, Networker,