Store Planner
Barnes & Noble is the world’s largest retail bookseller and the leading retailer of content, digital media and educational products. We operate over 600 Barnes & Noble bookstores in 50 states and one of the web’s premier e-commerce sites, Our Nook Digital business offers a lineup of popular NOOK® tablets and eReaders and an expansive collection of digital reading content through the NOOK® store.
We’re proud to be an industry leader, consistently recognized for excellence in quality and customer service in our stores and online at
We are seeking a Store Planner to join our growing team! The Store Planner will be responsible for executing all aspects of Barnes & Noble Booksellers Store Design, including overall store layout, space productivity, material selections, signage opportunities and fixture design. The ideal candidate will be able to make recommendations on space, fixturing, material selections and architectural decisions to enhance the Barnes & Noble Booksellers image and intent. As part of this role, you will interact and collaborate with all aspects of the business including Development, Store Operations, Merchandising, Construction, and Facilities, as well as external consultants and vendors to achieve the desired company goals.
An employee in this position can expect a starting rate between $125,000 - $130,000 annually, depending on experience, seniority, geographic locations, and other factors permitted by law.
This role is based in our NYC, NY headquarters.• Provide fixture, merchandise design plans and elevations based on provided criteria, as well as the Store Design Guidelines.
• Develop floor plans, elevations, fixture and merchandise plans, as they relate to the development of store environments based on Barnes & Noble Booksellers' standard prototype criteria, as new and developing trends.
• Supervise the maintenance and quarterly updates to the prototype floor plans to incorporate current design direction, fixture package/layout and updates.
• Generate initial ‘test fits’ identifying opportunities/liabilities for each individual space.
• Responsible for all site specific constraints and requirements, including ADA compliance.
• Understand current, as well as existing fleet, store fixturing elements.
• Develop new, prototype fixture design concepts
• Collaborate with internal partners to plan and communicate new store developments and updates.
• Ensure Designs are incorporating all current design thoughts and callouts from internal partners.
• Manage the special project roll outs in new and existing stores to ensure shops are planned correctly, installed on schedule and within budget.
• Manage the floor plan tracking report that tracks milestones for all projects, the change matrix that tracks applying new merchandise direction to in-progress projects. These duties require the development and maintenance of effective working relationships with the Merchants, Visual, Construction, Facilities and Real Estate teams
• Perform regular hind sighting
• Understand and oversee ADA compliance expectations and requirements• Bachelor’s degree in Architecture or related area preferred
• Minimum 4-6 years retail store design/planning experience in high end/luxury retail
• Some travel required
• Ability to work and be successful in a fast-paced work environment
• Strong communication skills, with ability to interact well with contractors, consultants, as well as landlords and internal business partners
• CAD experience required, ability to work quickly and efficiently
• Strong knowledge of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Project and Outlook
• Integrity and trust, admits mistakes and is seen as a truthful individual
• Strong sense of urgency, ownership
• Knowledge of ADA compliance requirements
• High level understanding of retail design requirements
• Knowledge of design trends and new products
• Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, working in high volume capacity
• Solid decision making skills based on changing conditionsReal Estate & Development
We’re proud to be an industry leader, consistently recognized for excellence in quality and customer service in our stores and online at
We are seeking a Store Planner to join our growing team! The Store Planner will be responsible for executing all aspects of Barnes & Noble Booksellers Store Design, including overall store layout, space productivity, material selections, signage opportunities and fixture design. The ideal candidate will be able to make recommendations on space, fixturing, material selections and architectural decisions to enhance the Barnes & Noble Booksellers image and intent. As part of this role, you will interact and collaborate with all aspects of the business including Development, Store Operations, Merchandising, Construction, and Facilities, as well as external consultants and vendors to achieve the desired company goals.
An employee in this position can expect a starting rate between $125,000 - $130,000 annually, depending on experience, seniority, geographic locations, and other factors permitted by law.
This role is based in our NYC, NY headquarters.• Provide fixture, merchandise design plans and elevations based on provided criteria, as well as the Store Design Guidelines.
• Develop floor plans, elevations, fixture and merchandise plans, as they relate to the development of store environments based on Barnes & Noble Booksellers' standard prototype criteria, as new and developing trends.
• Supervise the maintenance and quarterly updates to the prototype floor plans to incorporate current design direction, fixture package/layout and updates.
• Generate initial ‘test fits’ identifying opportunities/liabilities for each individual space.
• Responsible for all site specific constraints and requirements, including ADA compliance.
• Understand current, as well as existing fleet, store fixturing elements.
• Develop new, prototype fixture design concepts
• Collaborate with internal partners to plan and communicate new store developments and updates.
• Ensure Designs are incorporating all current design thoughts and callouts from internal partners.
• Manage the special project roll outs in new and existing stores to ensure shops are planned correctly, installed on schedule and within budget.
• Manage the floor plan tracking report that tracks milestones for all projects, the change matrix that tracks applying new merchandise direction to in-progress projects. These duties require the development and maintenance of effective working relationships with the Merchants, Visual, Construction, Facilities and Real Estate teams
• Perform regular hind sighting
• Understand and oversee ADA compliance expectations and requirements• Bachelor’s degree in Architecture or related area preferred
• Minimum 4-6 years retail store design/planning experience in high end/luxury retail
• Some travel required
• Ability to work and be successful in a fast-paced work environment
• Strong communication skills, with ability to interact well with contractors, consultants, as well as landlords and internal business partners
• CAD experience required, ability to work quickly and efficiently
• Strong knowledge of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Project and Outlook
• Integrity and trust, admits mistakes and is seen as a truthful individual
• Strong sense of urgency, ownership
• Knowledge of ADA compliance requirements
• High level understanding of retail design requirements
• Knowledge of design trends and new products
• Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, working in high volume capacity
• Solid decision making skills based on changing conditionsReal Estate & Development
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