Short Description:
System Administrator is responsible for server back up and security, along with performance tuning and capacity planning. SAs should possess an understanding of network and distributed computing concepts.
Complete Description:
The individual will be primarily responsible for Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) security administration on a z/OS mainframe, and will maintain accounts to control access to information and applications including IMS, DB2 and CICS.
The individual will analyze and resolve problems related to mainframe access control, user administration, and operating level system security. In addition, the individual will assist with maintenance on z/OS security software, including testing, implementation and documentation of authorized changes and upgrades.
Secondary responsibilities include assisting with the security administration of user and group objects in an enterprise Active Directory structure, and assisting with security audits of applications, operating systems, and procedures.
In accordance with the terms of Contract No. 4400007198 and the duties of staff augmentation personnel outlined therein, staff augmentation personnel shall provide complete knowledge transfer to the Department of all tasks and projects assigned by the Department. Knowledge transfer includes complete written documentation including systems design, technical design and specifications, and coding to the Department for all tasks and projects to which personnel are assigned.
Administer and maintain mainframe acts w/RACF security software on a z/OS mainframe
Required 2 Years
Analyze and resolve problems related to mainframe access control
Required 2 Years
Analyze & resolve problems related to mainframe user admin
Required 2 Years
Analyze and resolve problems related to operating level system security
Required 2 Years
Maintain appropriate security configurations & options for IMS, DB2, CICS
Required 2 Years
Proven experience with written and oral communication skills and customer focus
Required 2 Years
Assist w/maintenance on z/OS security software
Highly desired 2 Years
Assist w/ including testing, implementation and doc. of authorized changes
Highly desired 2 Years
Review mainframe reports to monitor & maintain systm settings & controls
Highly desired 2 Years
Adm & maintain user & group objects in the enterprise Active Directory structure
Desired 2 Years
Periodically review violation reports & work with management to resolve violations
Nice to have 2 Years
Assist w/security audits of applications, operating systems, & procedures
Nice to have 1 Years
Maintain manuals & procedures to document & support the security program
Nice to have 1 Years