Los Angeles, CA, USA
6 days ago
Writing Programs Lecturer

UCLA Writing Programs seeks lecturers who have expertise in and are able to teach sections of: (1) required first-year writing courses for students who have not satisfied the University of California's Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) and/or (2) an upper-division writing course for Business-Economic majors. We welcome candidates who possess a record of teaching excellence, professional engagement in the field of composition, and commitment to diversity, inclusive pedagogy, student success, and higher education access.

We are particularly interested in candidates who have:
■ Experience teaching entry level composition at a major research university, especially courses for students who could benefit from a focus on foundational academic reading and writing strategies and/or
■ Experience teaching business writing courses or writing in the disciplines courses for students in specific majors or disciplines
■ Experience teaching writing courses that investigate issues of equity, diversity and inclusion
■ Experience working with courses that enroll students with a variety of writing preparation and linguistic backgrounds

Please submit the following:
1) 1-2 page Cover Letter/Personal Statement -- Please use the following questions as a guide, focusing on one or two that resonate with your teaching experience:
● In your midterm or final course evaluations, what do students describe as the strengths of your teaching? What suggestions for improvement have they mentioned and how have you responded to their feedback?
● In what ways have communication and collaboration with colleagues contributed to your growth as a teacher of writing?
● What have you learned from classroom observations of your teaching or your observations of other writing teachers?
● What professional development workshops or presentations have you participated in or led this past year related to composition pedagogy? (This might be within your program, on your campus, or at a conference). What is your biggest take-away from these experiences?

2) Curriculum Vitae -- Please note that we are most interested in your experiences related to composition pedagogy and the teaching of first-year writers or writing in the disciplines courses. You may include presentations/publications related to other fields but while these achievements speak to your success as an academic, we are focused on your qualities as a teacher of writing.

3) Syllabus for a Course Focusing on Building Foundational Academic Reading and Writing Skills or for a Business Writing Course -- The syllabus you submit should clearly reflect your teaching practice, be a roadmap for students taking the course, clearly lay out what students can expect to learn, and contain a course calendar that shows the content and organization of the course, as well as a clear description of the major assignments you ask students to complete.

4) 1-2 page Statement on Contributions to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion -- This statement will discuss how you have addressed issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion in your teaching—in terms of both content and practice. What do you see as the most compelling issues needing to be addressed in your program or on your campus? In what ways do you see yourself contributing to these efforts?

5) List of 3 references with contact information

6) Classroom observations (optional) -- If you would like to include a recent observation of your classroom teaching, we will accept a maximum of two

This position is represented by the University Council – American Federation of Teachers: https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/labor/bargaining-units/ix/contract.html. Internal applicants will be considered for reappointment prior to the consideration of external applicants.

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